GROUP BY clause in SQL Server

The GROUP BY clause in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) is used in the SELECT statement to retrieve data from multiple records and result groups into 1 or more columns.

The GROUP BY clause in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) is used in the SELECT statement to retrieve data from multiple records and result groups into 1 or more columns.

GROUP BY clause clause in SQL Server

 SELEC T bieuthuc1, bieuthuc2, … bieuthuc_n, 
ham_tong (bieuthuc)
FROM bang
[WHERE dieukien]
GROUP BY bieuthuc1, bieuthuc2, . bieuthuc_n;

Variable name or variable value

bieuthuc1, bieuthuc2, . bieuthuc_n

The expression is not within the total function and must be in the GROUP BY clause.


Can be functions like SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX or AVG.


The table to retrieve records from, must have at least 1 table in the FROM clause.

WHERE dieukien

Option. The condition that the record must meet to be selected is in the WHERE clause.

For example - use the SUM function

 SELECT ten _sanpham, SUM(soluong) AS 'Tong so luong' 
FROM sanpham
GROUP BY te n_sanpham;

This example uses the SUM calculation function to return the product name and total quantity (by product name).

Because you give a column (ten_sanpham) in the SELECT statement and not in the SUM function, you must use the GROUP BY clause.

For example - use the COUNT function

 SELECT related ly_id, COUNT (*) AS 'So nhan vien' 
FROM nhanvien
WHERE ho = 'Anderson'
GROUP BY qua nly_id;

In this example, the COUNT function will return quanly_id and the number of employees with the last name is Anderson.

For example - use the MIN function

 SELEC T loai_sanpham, MIN(soluong) AS 'So luong it nhat' 
FROM sanpham
GROUP B Y loai_sanpham;

The GROUP BY clause used with the MIN function above will return the product type and the minimum quantity for that product type.

For example - use the MAX function

 SELE CT bophan, MAX(luong) AS 'Luong cao nhat' 
FROM nhanvien
GROUP b ophan;

This final example returns the name of each department and the maximum salary in the department.

Previous article: Conditions EXISTS in SQL Server

Lesson: HAVING clause in SQL Server

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