Greenland is losing ice in a new way, NASA warns
The new study describes a massive melting ice on Greenland's west coast in 2012. Scientists say this melting wave creates new, unrecognizable waves of sea waves, a new form of melting. found in this area.
During the hot summer in 2012, scientists measured 6.7 gigatons of ice at Greenland's Rink Glam melting quickly, much, and faster than traditional melting.
Eric Larour, a researcher at NASA's Jet Engine Laboratory, said: "You can stand there and you won't see any sign of these solitary waves. At the same time, you will not see cracks or specific surface characteristics that identify other melting tapes. "
Greenland is losing ice in a new way, NASA warns Picture 1
Experts at NASA had to install a special sensor in the Greenland GPS Network and recorded the horizontal movement of a particular flow from the mass of silently melting ice across the glacier.
The researchers also found a similar wave pattern in GPS data collected near Greenland's Rink Glacier in 2010.
JPL scientist Surendra Adhikari said: "We know for sure that the mechanism for activating these waves is the melting of the surface of snow and ice, but we do not fully understand the complex array structure. as well as the process of creating isolated ocean waves from melting ice because they occur faintly, difficult to identify. "
In the hot summer of 2010 and 2012, researchers say Greenland's inner basin has formed plenty of water from ice and snow. When melted, it moved through channels and along the coastal glaciers in Greenland. These channels allow a large amount of water and ice to flow towards the coast. Melting water lubricates the limestone surface and encourages this flow to flow faster.
The researchers say the new method of melting thawing may be a new peculiar sign. Scientists describe their discovery in the Journal of Physical Science.
JPL Institute Erik Ivins said: " The strong melting of ice in 2010 and 2012 is not as precedent as it was, it represents a negative behavior when the climate begins to heat up at the present as well as "We are seeing a small water wave system from melting ice growing and falling into the sea."
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