Goodbye, netbook

Emerging from the end of 2007, there was a fever during 2008 but in the second half of 2009, netbooks began to fade and were replaced by ultra-thin and cheap laptops.

Emerging from the end of 2007, there was a fever during 2008 but in the second half of 2009, netbooks began to fade and were replaced by ultra-thin and cheap laptops.

Speaking of netbooks, we will think of mini laptops with a 7-inch screen and a cramped keyboard. The computer market experts now call it a " momentary hobby " of consumers and this hobby is dying as quickly as it appears.

It must be said that the netbook's true origins are the third-world poor laptops for children in the OLPC program (one laptop per child). Because netbooks are designed for children in poor countries, the netbook has a very limited hardware and size to ensure that the price ranges from 100 to 300 USD.

But there was an interesting occurrence, ordinary consumers of rich markets like North America, Europe and Japan competed to order these netbooks. There is a demand, leading computer manufacturers like Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Acer and Lenovo did not hesitate to open a netbook race to meet this hobby.

Goodbye, netbook Picture 1Goodbye, netbook Picture 1 In fact, it has been proven that most users buy netbooks because of the curiosity of ' cheap price, so there is no need to calculate much . They buy netbooks and consider them the 2nd and 3rd computers to prevent or take advantage of check-in mail right on the bed.

But soon after, users realized the inconvenience of netbooks. They mistook netbooks for regular laptops when they thought netbooks were: cheap and portable. When they used it, the netbook screen was so small that most websites could not be fully displayed, the keyboard was too cramped compared to the adult's finger size, the processing power of the CPU was too weak and became So sluggish when doing multiple tasks.

Ever since the netbook has been fevered , market analyst Biz360 has surveyed more than 20,000 netbook users and the result is 40% less than other laptops. Research by NPD also showed that most users were mistaken when deciding to buy a netbook.

User frustration has pushed netbook sales down and forced manufacturers to change. The 7-inch screen is replaced by 10 inches, even 12 inches like regular laptops, the keyboard is also expanded with a larger key size, wider spacing of keys .

In addition, since the world's largest chip maker Intel launched a number of high-performance low-power (CULV) chips, the computer maker was more comfortable designing products. The product is as thin and light as a netbook, but it has a large screen, keyboard and processor performance, such as a laptop with a battery life of up to 6-8 hours.

' So far, netbooks have been officially declared dead and' reborn 'in the form of cheap but powerful laptops and modern glamorous designs , "said Mark Spoonauer, editor-in-chief of the magazine. Magazine interviewed.

In 2009, netbook sales could reach 25 to 30 million units, but most of them were laptops under the netbook name. ' It is time for us to completely declare the name of the netbook because it left behind, it is only misleading, ' said Mark Spoonauer.

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