Fsutil resource command in Windows

The Fsutil resource command creates a secondary Transactional Resource Manager, starts or stops Transactional Resource Manager, or displays information about Transactional Resource Manager.

Applies to : Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012. Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7.

The Fsutil resource command creates a Transaction Transactional Resource Manager, starts or stops Transactional Resource Manager, or displays Transactional Resource Manager information and modifies the following behavior:

  1. Transactional Resource Manager defaults to deleting its transaction metadata in the next mount time.
  2. Transactional Resource Manager is assigned to prioritize consistency over availability.
  3. Transactional Resource Manager is assigned to prioritize more usability consistency.
  4. The characteristics of Transactional Resource Manager are running.

To learn how to use this command, please see the example below.

Syntax command Fsutil resource

 fsutil resource [create] fsutil resource [info] fsutil resource [setautoreset] {true|false} fsutil resource [setavailable] fsutil resource [setconsistent] fsutil resource [setlog] [growth { containers| percent} ] [maxextents ] [minextents ] [mode {full|undo} ] [rename ] [shrink ] [size ] fsutil resource [start] [ fsutil resource [stop] 

The command parameter Fsutil resource

Parameters Description Description Create a Secondary Transactional Resource Manager. Specify the full path to the root Transactional Resource Manager directory. info Displays information about specific Transactional Resource Manager. setautoreset

Specify a default Transactional Resource Manager to clear its transaction metadata in the next mount time.

- Set the setautoreset parameter to true to specify the Transactional Resource Manager by default to clear its transaction metadata at the next mount time.

- Set the setautoreset parameter to false to specify the default Transactional Resource Manager will not delete its transaction metadata on the next mount.

Specify the drive name followed by a colon. setavailable Specifying Transactional Resource Manager will prioritize consistency over availability. setconsistent Specifying Transactional Resource Manager will prioritize more usability consistency. setlog Change the characteristics of Transactional Resource Manager running. growth

Specify the amount that Transactional Resource Manager log can increase.

Growth parameters can be specified as follows:

- Number of containers using the format: Containers containers

- Proportion using format: Percent percent

Specify the data objects used by Transactional Resource Manager. maxextent Specifies the maximum number of containers for a specific Transactional Resource Manager. minextent Specifies the minimum number of containers for a specific Transactional Resource Manager. mode {full | undo} Specifies whether all transactions are recorded ( full ) or only recorded rollback events ( undo ). rename Change the GUID for Transactional Resource Manager. shrink Specifies the percentage that Transactional Resource Manager log can automatically reduce. size Specifies the size of Transactional Resource Manager by a specified number of containers . start Starts a specific Transactional Resource Manager. stop Stop a specific Transactional Resource Manager.

Example of the Fsutil resource command

To set log for Transactional Resource Manager, specified by c: test, with automatic increase of 5 containers, enter:

 fsutil resource setlog growth 5 containers c:test 

To set the log for Transactional Resource Manager, specified by c: test, to have an automatic increase of 2%, enter:

 fsutil resource setlog growth 2 percent c:test 

To specify that Transactional Resource Manager defaults to delete transaction metadata in the next mount on C drive, enter:

 fsutil resource setautoreset true c: 

See more:

  1. The Fsutil objectid command in Windows
  2. Fsutil repair command in Windows
  3. The Fsutil quota command in Windows
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