Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home'

In a public letter to his employees, the company's CEO and co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, revealed that both Chris Cox and Chris Daniels (in charge of the WhatsApp-owned application platform of Facebook) were decided to leave the company after years of work.

One of the founders of Facebook's development, product manager, and also the 'spiritual leader' of the world's largest social networking site, Chris Cox will officially leave the company after 13 years. close. The information above is almost absolute because it comes from a CEO Mark Zuckerberg post yesterday.

In a public letter to his employees, the company's CEO and co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, revealed that both Chris Cox and Chris Daniels (in charge of the WhatsApp-owned application platform of Facebook) were decided to leave the company after years of work. More specifically, Chris Cox is one of Facebook's first engineers and is known as the extremely close friend and right-hand man of Mark Zuckerberg, while Chris Daniels is the vice president of the application. Text WhatsApp less than a year after resigning as Project Director

Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home' Picture 1Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home' Picture 1

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'A few years ago, Chris Cox told me that he wants to do something different in the future, and I really respect and support this decision. We all know Cox is one of Facebook's most talented individuals, and I'm sure he has the potential to once again make a miracle on his own path, 'Mark Zuckerberg said in letter.

As for Chris Daniels, the CEO also pointed out that Daniels is one of the most 'clear and principle' business thinkers he has ever known, and the dignity of Chris Daniels in helping Facebook pass. through challenges over 8 years of work is 'extremely impressive'.

In particular, these two high-profile personnel losses took place less than a week after Mark Zuckerberg promised that he would change the operating philosophy of the planet's largest social network into a platform. The media platform focuses entirely on privacy, and of course affiliated platforms like WhatsApp or Instagram will also ensure the same thing. Make many people doubt that this is essentially a 'force change' campaign to regain trust from Facebook users.

Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home' Picture 2Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home' Picture 2

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According to CEO Mark Zuckerberg, in recent years, Facebook has found that private messages, short-term publications (like Snapchat) and activities in small groups on social networks are the areas of strongest growth when speaking. to online interactions. When deciding to leave the company of two senior executives known on Thursday, a number of specialized media websites have made many speculations about the possibility that these decisions are part of the marketing approach. new Facebook.

Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home' Picture 3Adding a close friend to leave Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is growing solitary in his own 'home' Picture 3

In parallel with the 2 major changes in the HR apparatus, Facebook has just had to deal with a rare incident related to the server that makes all the attached platforms (including Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp) meet The error of not being able to access some functions, or worse, being unable to log in for nearly 22 hours on a worldwide scale, causing losses of up to hundreds of millions of dollars.

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