Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not?

So have you ever wondered why airline tickets are so expensive? Please join us to find out the cost of making a regular flight!
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Today, we decided to find out more about air tickets and reveal to readers how airline tickets were formed. Turns out, the fare is set according to certain rules and it is not like what people imagine.

Owning air tickets today is not too difficult, because just a few clicks and an amount of money you can go everywhere. But there are flights you have to spend a sizable amount of money, while other flights are also affordable. So have you ever wondered why airline tickets are so expensive? Please join us to find out the cost of making a regular flight!

At the end of the article, we have provided helpful advice: some tips to help you save money on flights. After reading this article, you will find that it is not as difficult as you think and you will be more prepared to plan the trip. Invite you to consult!

Why are airfare so expensive?

Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 1Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 1

Aircraft fuel - 26%

Aircraft fuel is one of the most expensive components that constitutes airfare costs. Each flight needs a different amount of fuel. Usually, it is information that you can find on the official website of the airline or aircraft manufacturer.

This is a simple calculation to help you understand: a direct flight from Moscow to New York about 7,403 km needs to consume about 70 tons of fuel. 70 tons of aircraft fuel costs about 34,000 euros or 1.1 billion VND.

Passenger and baggage services, including airport and on flight - 26%

This percentage is made up of many parts. First of all, it includes on-board passenger services such as food, drinks, blankets, flight attendant service and more. Secondly, accommodation and luggage transportation costs are also included. Besides, there is also a switchboard service, website, statistics and customer service. Finally, the parking lot, check-in, check-out procedures .

Aircraft service - 16%

Aircraft services also include insurance costs, maintenance of machinery, equipment, paint and repair operations .

Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 2Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 2

Staff salaries - 10%

This includes salaries and bonuses for employees: pilots, flight attendants and other employees.

Depreciation and outsourcing costs - 8%

Depreciation is the wear and tear of aircraft equipment over time. If the aircraft is the property of the company, this cost is paid by the owner. However, if the aircraft is outsourced, rental costs will be paid by the user.

Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 3Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 3

Administrative expenses and advertising - 5%

This is the amount used in marketing activities, trade promotion, taxes and some other costs. These expenses depend on different countries.

Navigation costs and meteorological support costs - 9%

This includes payments for meteorological stations, flight tracking activities throughout the flight and airport payments.

How to "hunt" for cheap tickets?

With the above costs, how can you "hunt" for cheap tickets? And these are the tricks for you.

Use comparison sites

Using comparison sites is something you should do if you want to hunt for cheap airline tickets. Specifically, they will compare the fare of all airlines and make a list of flights that suit your needs.

Basically, this is the simplest and most reliable way to hunt for cheap airline tickets, you just sit still and surf the web to make the right decision.

Each different search engine will produce different results, so you should use different comparison sites because the price difference can range from 2-7%.

Moreover, some comparison sites offer many benefits such as email registration to get preferential prices and other promotional activities that help you save a lot of costs.

Use connecting flights

Interline flights are usually cheaper than direct flights because airlines try to sell all the tickets requested by a transfer station.

Arrange connecting flights in the smartest and most effective way. In addition, tourists often take advantage of the time at the stop (longer than 24 hours) to visit, tourism saves a lot of money. However, before doing so, you should carefully consider the purpose of your flight.

Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 4Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 4 © pixabay

Use 'Sunday Rules'

Under this rule, if you spend the whole night from Saturday to Sunday at the destination, the fares will be much cheaper. The "Sunday Rule" was created in the United States, where there is a big difference between business class flights and regular flights. It is thought that entrepreneurs really want to spend weekends at home and they are ready to pay a little more for that. Tourists don't really need this. So using this is your advantage.

Fly into the 'right' day

Many airline companies change flight fares depending on the departure date. Usually, the days with the lowest fares are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. From Friday to Sunday and on holidays, tickets will be more expensive.

However, this rule is not effective for business class air tickets by business people who often fly on weekdays.

Change the date

If certain days are not important to you, you can change your departure and arrival dates: 3, 5 or 7 days to save costs. Some organizations offer special calendars for these purposes.

By the way, if the departure time really doesn't matter, just fly in that month, you can use the same calendar. They will show you the fare of all tickets available in that month.

Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 5Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 5 © pixabay

Register for a loyalty program

Customers will accumulate points during the purchase of air tickets, then get a coupon, free tickets or discounted hotel rooms when registering for membership.

In fact, all airlines offer discounts and gifts to loyal customers.

Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 6Do you know why airline tickets are so expensive or not? Picture 6 © pixabay

Please pay attention to the small details!

When paying for tickets, you should carefully check all terms. Because, some airlines can charge additional fees such as online payment, ticket registration . You need to pay attention to the small details!

What tips or tricks do you have to buy cheap airline tickets? Please share with us in the comment section below!

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Having fun!

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