Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic

Join to discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic!

The church is a peaceful and quiet place. However, the church in this article will give you a strange feeling. Join to discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic !

A church in the Czech Republic, where locals believe it was cursed, but were later rescued from destruction by a local art student.

Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 1Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 1 Photo source: Getty Images

St. Church George in Lukova village of the Czech Republic was abandoned after its roof collapsed while holding a funeral here in 1986. Since then, the local people said that the church of St. George has been cursed and abandoned for more than 30 years. The church became severely degraded until a local art student, Jakub Hadrava, turned it into a spooky artwork .

Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 2Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 2 Horrible ghosts.Photo source: Getty Images

Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 3Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 3 Ghosts in the church.Photo source: Getty Images

This church was built in medieval times in 1352. It is now filled with white ghosts that look horrible. If not, it is hard to know that those mysterious ghosts are works of art made from plaster, created by the skillful hands of an art student in the locality. The plaster statues of the plaster and the lighting system are arranged appropriately, combined with the available ruin and mourning of the church, creating a smooth and magical art scene.

Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 4Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 4 Photo source: Getty Images

Jakub Hadrava said that the ghosts here were inspired by the Germans living in Lukova before the Second World War. Previously, these people came here to pray every Sunday.

Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 5Discover the world's most horrifying church in the Czech Republic Picture 5 Photo source: Getty Images

Right now, the church of St. George in this Czech Republic is receiving a significant contribution from locals, tourists and art enthusiasts to keep from collapsing over time.

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