Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers
- 16 quirky costume designs raise many questions
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Design is considered one of the most developed industries today. Therefore, people and workers rush into all kinds of designs from fashion, architecture to graphics. However, not everyone in the design profession also makes career as expected.
In pursuit of creative ideas, some designers tend to be " incredible ". So, if you consider yourself a master of calamity, take a look at the 30 half-season design disasters below. The amazing thing is that they are also paid for this mess.
To help you stay away from bad decisions at work, we compiled a list of strange designs.The consequence of learning is not so important are such catastrophic products.Please take a look!
Someone has unusual concepts about personal space
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 1 © Kavrex / reddit
Now we know for sure: The Earth is not round or flat. Planet Earth has a Polish image.
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 2 © dhanter / reddit
Hmm. Who knows they will be stretched when worn!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 3 © w56kcod / reddit
It looks like "A" - a series of unrealistic feminine beauty standards is being imposed on us.
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 4 © Fluchos / reddit
This device is very effective, it will even change your breed!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 5 © zapfoe / reddit
Boss, I did everything carefully and exactly as you requested!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 6 © Khanzler123 / pikabu
This Superman has something wrong!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 7 © si1versmith / reddit
"That's why the baker hesitates to send us a wedding cake!"
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 8 © Zsuzsifer / reddit
Your shirt is looking at me strangely!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 9 © thebayallday / reddit
In theory, this looks like a good gift for our mother.
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 10 © saareadaar / reddit
As your child grows, just adjust the princess's neck length.
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 11 © FlawlessC0wboy / reddit
When it comes to building successfully, does this guy have an extra hand?
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 12 © tbonetaylor / reddit
Yoga carpet
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 13 © skankyfish / reddit
Are you sure this is approved layout?
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 14 © arizonaant / reddit
Safety first!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 15 © truth_alternative / reddit
Is the swim float inspired by a woman's essential tool?
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 16 © unknown author / reddit
The more you look, the more confusing!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 17 © xxoyez / reddit
Going to this stair is too scary!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 18 © mediagarden / imgur
Looks like they missed a little detail .
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 19 © unknown author / reddit
Because mice can make a second nose!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 20 © unknown author / reddit
Poor boy! You have experienced a lot of risks right ?!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 21 © HeyWazowski / reddit
This is like something from Fallout .
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 22 © unknown author / imgur
This toilet is just waiting for you to do something wrong!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 23 © RiffRaff161 / reddit
That's what I call indecisive!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 24 © bakugandrago18 / reddit
Beauty or monster?
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 25 © Yzre / reddit
The world has definitely changed! Do I miss something important ?!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 26 © unknown author / imgur
They should print red flowers somewhere else . rather .
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 27 © Chaddcl0ps / reddit
Just imagining a deliveryman having to transport a sofa to the apartment at the end of the hall is already frightening enough!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 28 © Oaklandisgay / reddit
Hooray for a creative design!
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 29 © TwoFaceMan / pikabu
"What the heck ?!"
Die laughing with 30 design disasters of half-season designers Picture 30 © Billetmaster / reddit
Which design above makes you feel the most uncomfortable. Please share with us in the comment section below!
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