Common mistakes when using hair removal machines

If you have ever used a hair removal device, you probably know that it is necessary to test it. However, not everyone knows how to use it properly. Here are some common mistakes when using a hair removal device.

If you've ever used an epilator , you probably know that you need to give it a try. This tool is designed to remove hair from the root with longer lasting results than shaving while leaving your skin smoother. However, not everyone knows how to use an epilator properly. Here are some common mistakes people make when using an epilator .

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Not taking care of your skin before hair removal

If your Epilator isn't giving you the best results, it could be due to prepping your skin beforehand. Exfoliation is one of the easiest & most important steps before waxing. Not only does it create a clean base (removing makeup, self-tanner or perfume), it also exfoliates dead skin cells for cleaner, more effective results. "Exfoliating beforehand not only helps get better results, it also helps prevent ingrown hairs in the future,"


Use a shower brush or dry brush. Exfoliating in a warm shower or bath before epilating can also open up your pores and soften your hair, making the process easier and less uncomfortable.

Another thing to keep in mind is to make sure the hair is the right length, 5mm maximum. This will make removing each hair as easy and painless as possible, but check your epilator's manual for the best advice.

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Using the wrong method

Just like shaving, for best results, try holding the epilator at a 75-degree angle (too much can break hair, preventing it from being removed properly) to your skin and gently pull it back and forth around the device to keep your skin smooth. Move the device against the direction of hair growth. You should go slowly, as running the device quickly across your skin can also break hair. Results may be better in a warm environment, as too cold can cause goose bumps, making it harder for the device to reach your skin.

Expect to get perfect results instantly

Another big mistake people make when using epilators is using them too close to an important event and expecting perfect skin right away. Razors can cause uncomfortable razor bumps, and while epilators can be the key to avoiding those bumps, they can still leave behind redness or irritation. So, give yourself at least 24 hours between epilations to give your skin time to recover.


Many people also expect too much. Laser hair removal doesn't remove hair permanently, but it can leave skin smoother for about four weeks. If you want longer-lasting results, IPL or laser hair removal may be better. Likewise, hair that grows back will be softer and less noticeable after a few sessions. If you want peace of mind that any hair you lose will be lighter, start your laser hair removal sessions a few months in advance. Try weekly at first, then gradually reduce the frequency to, say, every three weeks.

Not keeping equipment clean

Like other beauty devices and tools, many people make the mistake of forgetting to clean their epilators properly and regularly — even though it is essential. Clean your device regularly to keep it running smoothly and prevent bacterial or fungal infections. Even if it is a device that can be used while wet, you should not leave it in the bathroom because bacteria and fungi can easily grow.

To clean your epilator, remove all the attachments and use a brush to remove hair. While many devices come with cleaning tools, such as a brush or cloth, you can use a clean makeup brush. If your device is waterproof, rinse it with water and dry it properly, then use rubbing alcohol to kill bacteria and germs. Repeat these steps each time you use your device.

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Using the wrong hair removal machine

Not all epilators are created equal, and you may find that some are more suitable for you than others. One of the main differences is whether they are designed for wet or dry use. Wet epilators allow you to epilate in the shower and can be better for sensitive skin than dry epilators, so you may want to try a waterproof version if you experience irritation or itching after epilating. Wet epilators may also be more suitable for people who shave regularly and prefer the cleanliness of removing body hair in the bath or shower. Some epilators have both wet and dry modes, including the Braun Epilator Silk-épil 9 Flex SkinSpa or the Philips Epilator Series 8000.

Another thing to consider is the size and shape, as well as the body part you're using it on. Some epilators have longer handles for harder-to-reach areas, and others have different attachments for specific areas, so consider your personal preferences and needs.

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