What is Fomo? Psychological syndrome does not belong to anyone

What is Fomo? This psychological syndrome is dangerous. Please read along to find the answer through the following article of Network Administrator.

Today with the strong development of social networks, large forums make more people suffer from Fomo syndrome. Fomo is what syndrome? There are dangers not to invite readers to read the following article of Network Administrator.

Fomo is an acronym for Fear Of Missing Out, understanding Vietnamese means to be afraid of being abandoned or losing opportunities. People who suffer from Fomo syndrome often fear that others are happier and fuller than they are. It is this feeling that has a significant impact on your thoughts and actions, leading to emotional decisions rather than actual needs or desires for yourself.

What is Fomo? Psychological syndrome does not belong to anyone Picture 1What is Fomo? Psychological syndrome does not belong to anyone Picture 1

Everyone got Fomo, one way or another. A typical example of Fomo is that young people often surf Facebook to constantly update new information about life, beauty, movies . so as not to miss making you become an ancient person when talking with friends.

Besides, Fomo is also expressed in a different way that when you see your friends post pictures of check-in after traveling very much as 'lemon', Fomo's syndrome in you will make you You can be ready to do anything to make that trip immediately, at any cost. In the meantime, you can use that trip's money to pay for the next life. Tourism is not wrong. However, rely on your current economic conditions before deciding.

According to statistics, up to 56% of social network users have Fomo syndrome. With the development of many social networking sites, the forum made Fomo more popular.

How to escape Fomo? The easiest way is to stop dreaming about things that are not necessary in your life. Before making a decision on an issue, you should carefully consider yourself whether it is really necessary for you?

What is Fomo? Psychological syndrome does not belong to anyone Picture 2What is Fomo? Psychological syndrome does not belong to anyone Picture 2

This life is nothing but perfect, something suitable for others is not necessarily suitable for you, good or bad is only relative.

Hopefully with the above article, readers have understood what Fomo syndrome is to help yourself avoid falling into this unnecessary syndrome.

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