20 jobs with the highest salary for women

There are still industries in which women not only make up the majority of the workforce but also receive decent income.

Income disparities due to gender differences still exist in some sectors, especially those still dominated by men. But there are still industries in which women not only make up the majority of the workforce but also receive decent income.

Business Insider looked at the 2016 American Community survey of the US Census Bureau to find industries with the highest average wages, women who work full-time and over 16 years old.

In order to emphasize the work of many women involved, only those with at least 40% of female employees are included in the list. Here is the full list. Salary calculated according to

20. Manage income and compensation

  1. Number of women participating; 75%
  2. Average salary: $ 70,251

20. Financial analysis

  1. Number of women participating: 47%
  2. Average salary: $ 70,328

18. Human resource management

  1. Number of women participating: 61%
  2. Average salary: $ 70,342

17. Health care science

  1. Number of women participating: 53%
  2. Average salary: $ 71,175

16. Audiologist

  1. Number of women participating: 80%
  2. Average salary: $ 72,123

15. Analyzing computer systems

  1. Number of women participating: 40%
  2. Average salary: $ 72,409

14. Physical therapy

  1. Number of women participating: 63%
  2. Average salary: $ 74,555

13. Public relations and fundraising

  1. Number of women participating: 67%
  2. Average salary: $ 75,260

12. Analysis of operational research

  1. Number of women participating: 50%
  2. Average salary: $ 76.005

11. Management analysis

  1. Number of women participating: 41%
  2. Average salary: $ 76.338

10. Management of natural science

  1. Number of women participating: 53%
  2. Average salary: $ 76,768

09. Radiation therapy

  1. Number of women participating: 68%
  2. Average salary: $ 79,488

08. Statisticians

  1. Number of women participating: 44%
  2. Average salary: $ 80,027

07. Judges, judges and other legal matters

  1. Number of women participating: 44%
  2. Average salary: $ 80,807

06. Veterinarian

  1. Number of women participating: 59%
  2. Average salary: $ 82,228

05. Nursing

  1. Number of women participating: 88%
  2. Average salary: $ 100,030

04. Health care assistance (Physician Assistant)

  1. Number of women participating: 63%
  2. Average salary: $ 100,434

03. Nurse care nurse (Midwife Nurse)

  1. Number of women participating: 100%
  2. Average salary: $ 101,5552

02. Pharmacist

  1. Number of women participating: 55%
  2. Average salary: $ 118,461

01. Anesthesia nurse

  1. Number of women participating: 58%
  2. Average salary: $ 151,667

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