15 things that introverts will never tell you
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Introverts often have a bad reputation in the world favoring people who are extroverted ' people with people '. There are things that introverts want you to know more about them in order to help all relationships and behavior in life become better.
For example, our introverts are not antisocial or depressed, we are just a little different from you . In fact, there are a lot of people who are jealous of us about their ability to control themselves, interesting personalities that can help people feel calm, focused and safer when they are with us. Moreover, others still love us.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 1
As an introvert, we have many ' ways ' that only the closest friends can understand. Here are 15 things that introverts will never tell you . Let us refer to offline!
We don't care about your birthday
Any introvert who has been working in the office understands how awful it is to manage to buy a birthday cake for someone. We felt a shudder when we heard someone rejoice informing the rest of the office that today is their birthday.
Introverts know that those people also want to respond enthusiastically and carelessly, even accepting new words to attend a birthday party to drink some of their random 300 friends. Well, three hundred people seem a bit too much, but that's exactly what we felt and just wanted to go home immediately. If you don't invite us, we're not sad either. Moreover, we feel more relieved than others.
We do not need you to remember our birthday
We don't need it. We also have friends who truly understand and care about that day, if we care. However, the good thing is that some of us don't need to celebrate that day. We are completely satisfied with celebrating alone in silence, or with a group of carefully selected friends. We don't need the whole world to know that.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 2
We are not really excited about hearing you brag about the weekend
Unless you're part of our close friends, we don't care what you did last weekend. Because we think that everyone has personal privacy and if you choose to waste your time in a pub or eat at the door of your old lover's house, it is up to you. We are not in the habit of judging and realizing that making comments to strangers is useless. We work with you, which doesn't mean we know you.
We hate the crowd
Floating in the middle of the sea makes us feel tired. Many people with different living conditions focus on one place that makes us " dumb ". Some of us have the ability to read other people's personalities so that we can endure more easily. Sometimes we feel like we " know all " the people in the room and just a moment is overwhelmed by the whirlwind of the person.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 3
We don't like social gatherings
This is a particularly difficult point for introverts in business . The relationship expansion made us feel like we had to perform. We have to try to say what we need to say and listen attentively. While, we don't really care, because we don't know you.
Even in business, we need to feel familiar with someone more than normal to be able to " tolerate " a social meeting. This takes time, needs to be chosen on the right occasion and a meticulous plan to show others our good qualities and let us find someone else.
We force ourselves to behave as if we like you
This truth is embarrassing but we know who we like and who we don't like. This may stem from a lot of reasons and maybe what we eat this morning is related to the tiny time away.
Even so, don't take that offensive. We cherish honesty and sometimes the truth loses people. To survive, of course, we have to control our personal feelings and be kind . Kindness is 10,000 times more difficult than it really is.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 4
We know how to get the job done
We arrange time alone, activities, projects, appointments, emails, drafts, drafts, etc., all take up time for ideas. We value our time alone because we can then access new ideas, try new and imaginative plans. We can do anything if we are alone and knowledgeable, we will create our alternative and yours too.
We like to write everything out
We love email because they can help us achieve our goals without interruption. Interruptions can confuse us and consume more energy to return to the old orbit. So please don't call us, unless it's urgent.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 5
We find it safe to be with the right person
When we meet the right people, we flush out everything . We proved as cute as possible. We became warriors of war willing to fight for almost anything related to the person we love.
Try asking our friends. We reveal ourselves when we're with the right people. Of course, we need time to find the right person, and when we find it, we're not timid.
We also have friends who really love us
Introverts also like people and vice versa. Most introverts don't have a problem with chanting with friends and spending time with others.We simply have friends because we actively choose them . We endeavor in relationships and our friends know it. We also go to bars, party and meet people. The only difference is that we do not have to meet anyone but we also make friends.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 6
We also do things like other people
We also do things like an extrovert. We have to do that to get someone to know. We can be the soul of the party, hold a social meeting and become the president of charity. We voluntarily do this because we know that by the end of the day we can return home. By then, it would take days or even months for us to recover before doing that again,
We are not timid, rude or difficult
At first it seemed like that but when it was close, we could absolutely poke you and " cut the wind " for more than 15 minutes. The problem is not with us. Trying to be " approachable " is not just an option, it's not our lifestyle.
We cannot pretend to be happy or excited because we often express our emotions through our looks rather than our words.
15 things that introverts will never tell you Picture 7
We are willing to be alone
There were enough brain tensions in our heads, so there was no need for more external influences. Different from extroverted people, we do not need others to be inspired. We are constantly thinking about how to solve everything in our heads. We are excited about projects that need to be creative and know how to entertain ourselves.Having more people means more things to deal with and we don't have enough energy for that .
We hate social chat
We like to think more and the dialogue should only be around big issues worth mentioning, theory, perspective. We rarely talk about small personal matters and we only do that when we feel completely comfortable.
We choose to be near you - cherish this
We cherish the moments of being alone and "quite" in allowing anyone to enter our world.Because if you choose the wrong person, it just makes us feel tired and not private at all . We tend to appeal to extroverts who make us want to run out of energy. They like us for alertness, deep thinking and control. However, we only feel comfortable with other introverts, find out more about ourselves, each other's principles and limitations.
See also: 10 hard facts about life that help you grow up
Author: Maryann Reid
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