Why use standard copper conduit?
When buying air conditioners, most users often pay less attention to air conditioning supplies such as insulation, rollers, racks, wires, gas and copper conduits. In particular, the most important is air conditioning copper tubes, which are also the most expensive materials. You may not know, if using the wrong standard copper tube will affect the ease of use and the life of the machine.
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These phenomena occur when using non-standard air conditioning copper tubes
As mentioned above, conditioning copper tubes are one of the most important parts that work to cool refrigerant agents to release hot air, making the room cooler. In order for it to maximize its function, it is imperative that users use the type of copper pipe according to the technical standards for each machine and in accordance with the capacity. If conditioning when installing using standard deviation copper pipe, there will be some problems as follows:
Air conditioner does not chill, running wrong performance. We need to install standard copper pipes with each air conditioner, minimize the connection points, shrink the tube so that the gas flow is changed.
The gas line R410A has a very high gas pressure so if the tube thickness is too small plus the use of baby tube, it is very easy to lead to cracking of the pipe, air-conditioner leakage.
Why use standard copper conduit? Picture 1
In addition to affecting the operability, durability of the air conditioner and the safety for users, the installation of the wrong standard copper tube is easily rejected by the company in case of trouble.
So, did you understand why it is necessary to use a standard copper conduit? The most obnoxious thing is that you do not want to choose cheap materials to install poor quality air conditioners because of "any of your money". Air conditioners are shared by air conditioning experts to make the right choice and make sure that the air conditioner does not encounter such unfortunate incidents.
Hope the article is useful to you!
See more:
- How to avoid being tricked into charging air conditioning
- Does air conditioner running well need maintenance?
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