Why should you learn PHP programming language?
80% of the top 10 million websites use PHP programming language. PHP is very popular for freelance work, because many small businesses or non-technical people want to use WordPress, Wix or other popular content management systems to set up websites or sales websites. . PHP is designed for web and it works well. And Facebook has made big investments in PHP.
Friendly beginners
Easy to use with PHP
PHP is designed to make web development easier and many beginners find it difficult to use the language. In fact, PHP code is easy to copy, many non-programmers can hack PHP code without really understanding them. Although good programmers will never copy and paste code that they do not understand, this means it is very easy to get PHP code.
The latest version of PHP (PHP7) has overcome many serious errors. PHP has a lot of materials to learn, but you should be sure to avoid outdated instructions.
PHP is a dynamic language, meaning that it doesn't apply rigid rules to feature building and you can flexibly solve problems with different methods. In addition, PHP ignores errors so you can still compile and run the program until you encounter a problem.
Ability of extension
Not easy to maintain the system
As mentioned above PHP is a type language, which means that the same problem can mean different depending on the context. Because PHP applications grow faster and more complex, users find it difficult to maintain the system because it is difficult to track and fix errors. So developers need to have the experience and insight to design code or write tests that can be easily maintained. However, you can learn how to design better code by working with experienced people using PHP programming language.
Performance is not fast
Because it is a dynamic programming language, PHP is too flexible and requires a lot of reference work to ensure the definition of something and this makes PHP performance slow. However, PHP7 version has made some changes to improve PHP speed.
In addition, Facebook has invested in PHP to improve PHP application speed by compiling code through Facebook's HipHop Virtual Machine. Although this does not make it as fast as static languages like Java, this is still a great improvement.
Community PHP programming language
First, the size of the community is important, because the larger the programming language community, the more opportunities you will have to receive support. When you step into the programming world, you will soon understand the importance of support because the developer community is a place to receive and offer help. In addition, in a large community there will be many people who build useful tools to help reduce the specific language development process. Currently, there are more than 600 well-known programming languages worldwide.
Here is the PHP community size.
Ranked 3rd in StackOverflow
StackOverflow is a programming question and answer site, where you will meet new people writing code.
Ranked 5th in the Meetup community
At Meetup, you can meet and learn from fellow developers. Meetup often provides advice for people who want to learn about programming. It has over 1500 PHP groups with a total of over 541 million members. In the community, PHP programming language ranks fifth.
The fifth most popular language at GitHub
At GitHub, there are many useful projects, you can find people who are developing the features you need to be able to get help speeding up development. There are more than 500 PHP projects with more than 500 stars.
- Do you know the 15 hottest programming languages on this GitHub?
Career opportunities
Why should you learn PHP programming language? Picture 1
If you intend to work freely, PHP can be a skill to learn because WordPress and other content management systems are very popular with non-technical people. In general, PHP is widely used on most websites, so there is always a need for PHP developers. Many sales websites are built by PHP so it is a popular choice for online businesses.
Why should you learn PHP programming language? Picture 2
The future of PHP programming language
PHP has reduced its popularity due to a number of issues with language design as well as the rise of the Ruby on Rails and Node.js framework, although PHP 7 has recently been released to fix most problems. The subject has been accused (inconsistency, speed, etc.). Facebook has made a big investment in PHP, does this increase the PHP approval rate in the future? Laravel, a PHP framework, seems to be maintaining good acceptance rates. In the popular programming language ranking ofTIOBE, PHP ranked 6th.
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