What do you know about programming language C # P1
C # programming language is developed based on C and C ++ programming languages. In the article below, Network Administrator will go with you to learn about C # programming language through multiple choice questions. Let's start.
- Question 1. Which of the following is true about variable naming conventions in C #?
- Not a keyword in C #
- Variable names do not contain any spaces or symbols like? - +! @ #% ^ & * () [] {}
- The above two answers are correct
- There is no right answer
- Question 2. Which of the following is true about Object Type in C #?
- Object Type is the highest base class for all data types in C # Common Type System (CTS)
- Object is an alias for the System.Object class.
- Object Type can be assigned values of any other type, value type, reference type, predefined type or user-defined type.
- All the answers above.
- Question 3. Which of the following transforms the type into a signed byte type in C #?
- ToInt64
- ToSbyte
- ToSingle
- ToInt32
- Question 4. Which solution is used to convert a type to an unsigned int in C #?
- ToType
- ToUInt16
- ToSingle
- ToString
- Question 5. In C #, which of the following Spec Specifier allows the class to display its member variables and functions for other functions and objects?
- Public
- private
- Proctected
- Internal
- Question 6. Which of the following is true about nullable types in C #?
- C # provides a particularly nullable data type so you can assign normal and null values.
- You can assign true, false or null in the Nullable variable.
- You can store any value from -2147483648 to 2147483647 or null in the Nullable variable.
- All the answers above.
- Question 7. Is the operator stack a dynamic polymorph?
- It's correct
- False
- Question 8. Where is the default access method of a class?
- private
- Public
- Protected
- Internal
- Question 9. Which of the following preprocessing directives allows you to check an icon or symbol to see if they are properly evaluated in C #?
- define
- undef
- if
- elif
- Question 10. User-defined exception classes derived from the ApplicationException class in C #?
- It's correct
- False
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