What is the size of 12V to 220V? What kind of good should buy?

Let's find out what is the conversion device from 12V to 220V, what are the characteristics, how is it applied in life, and which one should buy to best meet your usage needs. !

In this article, TipsMake.com will share details about the operating principle, characteristics, structure, application of the 12V to 220V jack to help you better understand this device and from there can choose Get yourself the most suitable device to use.

Besides the generators, UPS, 12V to 220V electric actuator, many people also choose to use to avoid work and living activities affected, interrupted when power failure or power outages occur. If you are still wondering about this device, do not miss the following information!

Quick view content

  1. What is the size of 12V to 220V?
  2. What types of electric stimulators are available?
    1. 1. Based on the principle of operation
    2. 2. Based on output power waveform
  3. Electrical characteristics and characteristics like?
  4. What kind of electric shocker should buy?
  5. How much does the electric shocker cost?
  6. How to use electric actuator properly?

What is the size of 12V to 220V?

Electrical jack is a device when used in combination with the battery that will be able to provide backup power to electrical equipment during mains power failure with switching time usually not exceeding 10ms. This device has an English name as Power Inverter or Inverter for short, in Vietnamese is also known as names such as power converters, electric stimulators, battery electric accumulators .

The principle of operation of the electric actuator is to rely on the inverter, which will convert direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). Thus, when the power goes out, the electricity from the external battery (1-way electricity 12, 24, 48 . VDC) will be converted by the electric stimulator into alternating current with the same voltage and frequency with the power source. regional grids (in our country, a voltage of 220 VAC, frequency 50 Hz) to supply electric equipment.

With the operation like this, the 12V to 220V electric stimulus is the type of converter that changes the DC current of 12V battery into AC alternating current 220V. In addition, depending on the performance of the electric actuator, many types can stimulate electricity from 24V, 48V . to 220V.

See also : What is battery? What types are available?

What is the size of 12V to 220V? What kind of good should buy? Picture 1What is the size of 12V to 220V? What kind of good should buy? Picture 1
The electric actuator supplies backup power when a power failure occurs.

What types of electric stimulators are available?

Normally, to classify electric actuators, people usually base on some basic criteria as follows:

Based on the principle of operation

  1. One-step converter: Perform direct DC conversion from a battery into an AC with the same voltage and frequency with the regional grid in a single step.
  2. Two-step variable electric stimulator (electronic jack): Performing a one-way conversion from a battery to an alternating current with the same voltage and frequency with the regional electricity grid in two steps:
    Direct current from battery at low voltage → Direct current at high voltage → AC has voltage and frequency similar to that of regional electricity.

Based on the output power waveform

  1. Square wave generator: The output current is square wave.
  2. Sine wave stimulator (modified sine wave): The output current has square wave or sawtooth wave simulated sinusoidal.
  3. Standard sine wave (pure sine wave or pure sine wave): The output current has a sine wave like the grid.

Electrical characteristics and characteristics like?

Electrical stimulator is rated to have many advantages such as:

  1. There is a variety of capacity, meeting many different requirements for standby power use.
  2. Compact design, no space, easy to move when needed.
  3. Rugged construction, good anti-vibration, smooth operation, does not affect the work of people around.
  4. Equipped with safety features such as protection against overload, over temperature, over voltage, and high durability.
  5. Using simple.
  6. Can be integrated battery charger to manage battery charging effectively, save the cost of buying battery chargers.

Therefore, DC to AC converters are commonly used in homes and offices to be ready to provide back-up power to civil electrical equipment to effectively deal with power outages. grid.

What kind of electric shocker should buy?

There are a few notes you need to remember to be able to choose for yourself a quality electric stimulator with a reasonable price as follows:

  1. Select a machine with a capacity that meets the capacity of the electrical equipment to be used when the power is few, it is best to make sure the motor has a regular load capacity not exceeding 60% of the nominal load capacity.
  2. Choose the type of output wave, utility features suitable for electrical equipment and practical needs, it is best to prioritize the type of output wave is standard sine wave and can charge the battery automatically.
  3. Choose from reputable brands such as the Apollo jack to ensure the device has a solid design, made from durable materials, full of safety features, smooth operation and full protection. onions.

Besides, you also pay attention to choose the battery that matches the capacity of the electric stimulator to maximize the efficiency of use and extend the life of the device.

Learn : Apollo country's electric stimulus? Is it good?

What is the size of 12V to 220V? What kind of good should buy? Picture 2What is the size of 12V to 220V? What kind of good should buy? Picture 2
Standard sine exciter with sine wave output is widely trusted.

How much does the electric shocker cost?

The price of electric shock absorbers in the market can range from a few million to a few tens of million depending on the specifications, features, brand of production . The following is the reference price of the standard sine type stimulator. Common current for your reference:

  1. Standard sine electric stimulator price 1000VA (600W): 2.6 - 3.2 million
  2. Standard sine electric stimulator price 1500VA (1000W): 3.8 - 4.2 million
  3. Standard sine electric stimulator price 2000VA (1200W): 5 - 5.7 million
  4. Standard sine electric stimulator price 2500VA (1600W): 5 - 5.8 million
  5. Standard electric shock absorber with capacity of 3000VA (1800W): VND 8.8 - 10.5 million
  6. Standard sine electric stimulator price of 3500VA (2500W): 9.9-12 million VND
  7. Standard sine exciter price of 5000VA (3500W): 13 - 14.5 million

Refer to a number of products that have standard sine wave output, which are appreciated by many users today :

How to use electric actuator properly?

In the process of using the battery charger, to ensure the machine is always running efficiently and persistently, there are a few notes you should not overlook such as:

  1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions in choosing batteries, connecting electric jacks to batteries, connecting electric jacks to electrical equipment.
  2. Do not subject the electric shaver to overload.
  3. Place the device in a flat, dry, ventilated place, away from sunlight, rain water, high temperatures, and avoid potentially explosive items .
  4. Clean, maintain and maintain the electric shock absorbers and batteries regularly.

Hopefully the above information has helped you better understand the electric shocker, so you can choose for yourself the most suitable equipment to serve your work and daily life, avoiding the inconvenience caused by a power failure. , power outage caused.

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