Blockchain has caught the eye of technology enthusiasts around the world with the ability to break down and replace previously established transaction and data systems. It is like a public digital 'ledger' of decentralized transactions, not controlled by the government and secured by the distribution verification network of miners, who approve the transaction by How to use many high-performance machines. Blockchain is considered a new generation Internet and is expected to revolutionize industries, both public and private. Blockchain is still in the beginning phase and therefore is being developed gradually. This technology is creating many new money opportunities for developers and developers. This article looks at the different programming languages ​​that can open the doorchain for you.

There are several programming languages ​​that can help you create applications for blockchain. You can use any traditional method such as C ++, Java and Python or other methods like Simplicity and Solidity - new and more specific programming languages ​​for the blockchain. Now, take a closer look at the programming languages ​​for blockchain.

C ++

Top 5 languages ​​for blockchain programming Picture 1

C ++ was developed as an extension to the object-oriented C. C ++ programming language, built on C-procedural language. This is probably the biggest difference between the two languages. C ++ data packages and its functions into 'objects' can be called and decompressed for use in other programs easily. C ++ allows efficient management of resources and provides better memory control. Blockchain requires many users and miners to interact and operate systematically and simultaneously. C ++ creates applications that can not only coordinate multiple endpoints but also handle interactions between them quickly. That's why blockchain projects like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple are written in C ++ language.

  1. Programming blockchain part 1: C ++ programming language


Top 5 languages ​​for blockchain programming Picture 2

Java is very important for websites worldwide. Some argue that Java, along with HTML and CSS, is an essential component. Traditional programming languages ​​are very useful in creating highly interactive web pages. Traditional programming languages ​​are now also very useful in creating simple and invariant blockchain. Immutability makes anyone unable to change the content in a block after being verified or "hash". Each new block is added to a blockchain containing the previous block's hash along with a new hash for the new block. After the hash, any changes in its content will create a new 'previousHash', which will prevent the new block from being added to the string until its content matches the content of the previous block. Therefore, immutability is maintained.

  1. Blockchain programming part 4: Java programming language


Top 5 languages ​​for blockchain programming Picture 3

Python was created by a Dutch programmer named Guido van Rossum in 1991. His goal was to create a minimalist programming language. The syntax and logic used by this programming language reflect the great ambition of the creator. Python is a leading language for software and web development. It is very popular for developers, data scientists, and now the blockchain experts.

  1. Programming blockchain part 3: Python programming language


Top 5 languages ​​for blockchain programming Picture 4

Simplicity is a language designed for smart contracts on the blockchain. This language was created by Russel O'Connor and it is very simple. Solidity is an attempt to improve basic cryptocurrency languages ​​like Bitcoin Script and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It uses static analysis - a technique that allows a universal algorithm to determine the cost of running any Simplicity program - to prevent 'exhaustion' programs during analysis. OConnector and his company, Blockstream, hope that the language will be included in Bitcoin after its features are carefully checked.


Top 5 languages ​​for blockchain programming Picture 5

And finally, Solidity! This is a high-level programming language, based on a contract model. Its script is similar to the scripts of some of the languages ​​listed above like Java, and it lends concepts such as variables, functions, and classes from these languages. This language is very easy to learn for programmers. Solidity explains quite clearly how its code works for those who care and want to learn about this language. However, the interpretation can be confusing for those who are not familiar with modern programming languages. As a new language for blockchain, Solidity is becoming more and more popular. The increase in the number of courses and resources on language is a very clear sign of this, and the language is expected to contribute significantly to software technology by improving the blockchain.

  1. Programming blockchain part 5: Solidity programming language

Blockchain is revolutionizing the way data and assets are traded. This technology is expected to have a huge impact on various industries. To work with this technology, you need to know how to write code. Ie a Blockchain developer must know one of the modern programming languages ​​like Java or C ++. These languages ​​not only help create applications for blockchain, but also help to understand languages ​​based on contract models or based on blockchain like Simplicity or Solidity. Learn about programming and Blockchain, you will find it really interesting.

See more:

  1. Here are the 3 most readable blockchain books
  2. Amazon's new blockchain service competes with Oracle and IBM
  3. What happens when combining Blockchain with education?