'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they?
Often when something becomes popular, over time we tend to forget things, people behind it. For example, as a song, you can love and memorize the melody, you can remember who performed, but not sure who you remember the author of that work. Like programming languages, you know what the language is called, how it works, but do you remember who invented them?
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 1
So Quantrimang would like to summarize the 10 names of today's top popular programming languages with the father who has "born" them . Invites you to read the track.
1. Python - Guido Van Rossum
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 2
Guido Van Rossum is a Dutch programmer born on January 31, 1956. He is known as the author of the Python programming language originally released in 1991. Python is designed with the advantage of being easy. read, easy to learn and easy to remember. Python is a language with very bright form, clear structure, convenient for new learners to learn programming.
Initially, Python was developed to run on Unix. But over time, it has expanded to all operating systems from MS-DOS to Mac OS, OS / 2, Windows, Linux and other operating systems of the Unix family. Although Python's development has contributed by many individuals, Guido van Rossum is still the main author of Python. He played a key role in determining Python's development direction.
2. Ruby - Yukihiro Matsumoto
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 3
Ruby is an object-oriented and multi-functional programming language used to create a wide variety of web and mobile applications. Ruby was developed in the mid-1990s in Japan by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto - a computer scientist and software programmer. Matz was born on April 14, 1965, as the Chief Architect of Ruby at Heroku (a cloud platform that allows companies to build, distribute, track and expand applications) in 2011.
3. Java - James Gosling
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 4
Java is an object-oriented programming language (OOP). This programming language was developed from Green Sun project in the early 1990s. This is an effort to create technology to support the new wave of smart devices, serving for interaction with users. .
Java was started by James Gosling and a colleague at Sun Microsystems in 1991. James Arthur Gosling was born on May 19, 1955. He is a Canadian computer scientist, known as founder and principal designer. Java programming language. Java develops many different types of applications (Database, network, Internet, telecommunications, entertainment, smart electronic devices, large-scale business applications .), creating website with dynamic content (web applet), improving server functionality.
4. C - Dennis Ritchie
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 5
C is the most widely used computer language, along with the Java language, the leading popular programming languages, widely used in modern developers.
Is a multifunctional computer programming language, C is designed by Dennis Ritchie . He was born on September 9, 1941 and died on October 12, 2011, at the age of 70. Dennis Ritchie is also known for his username dmr, a famous American computer scientist for developing. C and have a great influence on other programming languages, as well as operating systems like Multics and UNIX. Before retiring, he was the chief of Lucent's technology system research department and also known as 'R' in K&R C famous in the programming world.
5. C ++ - Bjarne Stroustrup
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 6
Bjarne Stroustrup was born on December 30, 1950. He is a Danish computer scientist who created and developed the widely used C ++ programming language today. Stroustrup is a visiting professor at Columbia University and CEO at Morgan Stanley New York.
C ++ first appeared in 1985, is a middle-level programming language. C ++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and various Unix versions.
6. PHP - Rasmus Lerdorf
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 7
Rasmus Lerdorf , a Danish Canadian programmer born on November 22, 1968, created the PHP scripting language . He is the author of the first two versions of the language and continues to develop later versions led by a group of developers including Jim Winstead, Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski. .
PHP (Personal Home Page for short) is a scripting language (a branch of programming language) or a type of code that is primarily used to develop server-side, open-source, used applications. for general purposes.
PHP is a programming language that uses open source. This means that you can use PHP completely free for your website implementation. PHP language can run on many different operating system platforms such as Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
7. Perl - Larry Wall
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 8
Perl is one of the most commonly used languages in web design, application design has the ability to filter large data and fast data processing created by Larry Wall - a computer programmer America, he was born on September 27, 1954.
In the web design industry, Perl language is often used to design and handle website types with characteristics such as:
- Types of websites need to handle large and diverse file and information volumes
- Types of websites require manipulating character strings
- Types of forum websites .
8. JavaScript - Brendan Eich
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 9
JavaScript first appeared on December 4, 1995. This is a high-level programming language developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape Media Company with the first name Mocha, and then changed its name to LiveScript, and finally into JavaScript. Perhaps such renaming is to help JavaScript get more attention. By this time, Java is being considered a phenomenon and become popular.
In fact, JavaScript is not developed based on Java. And they are two completely different languages.
About author Brendan Eich, he was born on July 4, 1961 and is an American technology developer JS. He also co-founded Mozilla projects, Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation. Later, he was appointed technical director of Mozilla Corporation, and briefly served as its chief executive.
9. Pascal - Niklaus Wirth
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 10
Pascal is a computer programming language of imperative and procedural form, developed by Niklaus Wirth in 1970 as a programming language particularly suitable for structuring and structuring data.
In general, Pascal is a language that has achieved great success, but gradually lost interest from the technology community, and gradually replaced. Currently, turboPascal has faded away, but its variants like Delph are still used in some programs, but not yet able to beat today's top languages.
About author Niklaus Wirth, he was a Swiss computer scientist born on February 15, 1934. He is best known for designing programming languages, including programming languages. Pascal, and a pioneer in some classic topics in the field of software technology.
10. Lisp - John McCarthy
'Father' of the 10 most popular programming languages in the world - Who are they? Picture 11
John McCarthy is an American cognitive scientist and computer scientist born on September 4, 1927, died on October 24, 2011. He is the author of Lisp programming language and one of the walkers pioneering in Artificial Intelligence (AI, artificial intelligence), Stanford AI Lab, time-sharing concepts and more .
Lisp is a family of computer programming languages that have a long history first appeared in 1958. This language is used in the development of artificial intelligence, air defense systems and even gambling. computer
Today, Lisp is still one of the dominant languages in building an artificial intelligence system.
Behind every successful programming language is a person full of bravery. Let us be grateful for their discoveries and contributions to the development of today's computer science.
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