What happens when combining Blockchain with education?
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My college life was difficult because it was so easy. During the startup phase, I built a mobile application, wrote a backend code and deployed them on AWS. During my time at university, I was forced to listen to programming lectures like "Add two numbers", "Create Fibonacci series", . How annoying!
What happens when combining Blockchain with education? Picture 1
To get a university degree, I suffered from this mental torture. Even when I was in my final year, I was still able to learn about the theoretical cloud set without practicing! I should have learned what I wanted, not what everyone thought I should do. In India, there are only a few institutions of educational quality. On the day I attended the technical school, my lecturer made a statement:
" I came to this job because I couldn't find another job ."
Because the teaching profession is in great demand, the job is almost guaranteed. In some institutions, students do not even have teachers. They bribe the government for approval to run the college.
The video above is a typical scene at an academy in India. A Java class! Teachers read everything from the book in the right way. I wish I had an English version to show you clearly.
During the admission process, you must submit a certificate from the High School and Pre-University semester (semester for students of international training programs). In case you change your mind to a college after the second semester, you must pay the fee for all 8 semesters. Only then will they return the certificate to you.
The next thing I can't accept in India is class-based scholarships. I have a rich classmate. He gets a lot of college fees. Meanwhile, another of my classmates who cannot afford the fee will be fired.
I like Coursera. Material quality is very good. However, I noticed some difficult things. Discussion forums are only useful to some extent. I wish I could interact directly with the professor. Coursera certification is gradually working here. However, it needs to be improved.
What happens when combining Blockchain with education? Picture 2
If I hire a mobile app developer, I will go to Github and search for projects that match product milestones. Then I will query the developer profile after those projects. I can even see the code they wrote. If satisfied with their profile, I will email them. In most cases they will have a working record available, I can submit an offer immediately. Although there are many skilled people at Coursera, they are still unnoticed.
Blockchain will not naturally solve these problems. But it is an indispensable tool. Let TipsMake.com discover how this tool helps solve the challenges of the education industry and find out what happens when combining Blockchain with education!
No more promises
What happens when combining Blockchain with education? Picture 3
It is not possible to go to court when educational institutions break the promise. Students can not even pay tuition, how to hire a lawyer?
The blocks of digital information connected to a string are what constitute a Blockchain . These digital information blocks are distributed around computers around the world. This information cannot be changed when deployed. One of the key features of blockchain is smart contracts.
Smart contract solves the problem of breaking the promise. Smart contracts are normal contracts that come with life in them. In a normal contract, two or more people agree on certain conditions they are required to keep.
John is a freelancer working with Tony . One of the conditions they agreed to was payment.
Normal contract
* Khi dự án được cung cấp, chúng tôi sẽ trả cho bạn $4000
* .
* .
Here Tony has a paid option. John can drag him to court. You can imagine the rest of the story.
Smart contract
Nếu dự án được cung cấp
Chuyển khoản $4.000 từ tài khoản của John được uỷ nhiệm không thể thay đổi
Here, Tony has no choice. If the job is completed, the money will be transferred from his account. Now, imagine how smart contracts can help students.
Nếu có 15 bài giảng về đề tài X
Tính phí cho sinh viên $100
If most students agree that lectures are not provided, no student will be charged. Students now hold leverage to honestly act universities.
What happens when combining Blockchain with education? Picture 4
The above smart contract can be deployed on many computers around the world (Ethereum Blockchain). Smart contracts when implemented will not be changed. No entity can control the entire deployment. Therefore, blockchain allows building a democratic system.
ODEM is a decentralized education market. They use smart contracts to mediate financial relationships between members (such as students, tutors). You should read the interview between David Smooke and the ODEM founder.
Remember, blockchain can be used to build a democratic system. This depends on how it is programmed and designed. Therefore, all blockchain solutions do not need to be democratic. Do not believe that all organizations that advertise on blockchain act honestly.
Class-based reservations are not a problem that Blockchain can solve. However, instead of relying on government funds, we can open investments to anyone. Blockchain brings transparency to the system. Therefore, goodwill sponsors can be assured their money has been used well. They can see exactly how much was spent.
What happens when combining Blockchain with education? Picture 5
Fake profile
People make fake profiles, copy projects from other records and many organizations issue fake certificates. Therefore, we cannot trust them.
Building a detection infrastructure is expensive for a platform like Coursera. On the blockchain, we have built the infrastructure. Free to read data from Ethereum Blockchain. Imagine if we have a place like Github, where you can see courses and student projects working in it.
On the blockchain, an agency that can sign certificates referring to this person who has learned digital marketing or the other who works on a Facebook campaign has brought about 25% of the change. Anyone can easily verify this certificate on Blockchain. If an issuer of a fake certificate, their assessment of the blockchain will be affected, it cannot be changed.
1-1 support
As mentioned above, although MOOC has great content, it does not provide 1-1 support. We need a large number of tutors to support students. Blockchain allows us to build a platform that eliminates geographic limits and eliminates costs by dividing into intermediaries. ODEM is focusing on solving this problem.
In the coming days, we can expect more innovations of Blockchain in education.
Author: Febin John James
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