Tips to play Otter Ocean for newbies

Otter Ocean is a simulation game with engaging gameplay and cute graphics, where you have the task of rescuing poor otters trapped in sardines deep in the sea and forming a team. otters to go find treasure.

The following tips to play Otter Ocean for beginners will help you have a better view of this game.

Perhaps you do not need to know the gameplay of Otter Ocean, but you are immediately attracted by the extremely cute graphics of this simulation game. Otter Ocean revolves around diving to the bottom of the ocean to find the treasure of a squad of adorable otters. After the journey of finding treasure, the player's task is to take good care of his lovely friends.

To help you learn more about the game and complete the tasks to perform in the best way, will share with you Otter Ocean game tips for newbies in the article below.

Tips to play Otter Ocean for newbies

1. Buy favorite food for your otter friends

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Before bringing these adorable otters to your dive sites, you need to feed them well. After diving deep into the ocean in search of treasure for you, they will be tired and need food. Each otter has its own favorite food, and when you feed the otter his favorite food, he or she will recover faster than the regular food. You can purchase a variety of food options at the market. However, you should hunt for deals and buy in bulk to get attractive discounts.

2. How to earn free Shells in Otter Ocean

Shells or shells are the currency of the Otter Ocean, used to buy food and groceries at the market. You can earn shells in Otter Ocean in a few ways:

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  1. Seashell Bag: You will see a cute otter clutching a seashell bag. Just touch that otter and you can get some valuable shells. A clamshell bag appeared randomly on one of the otters. The more otters you have, the more shells you will collect.

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  1. Antiquities: Completing an antique collection will reward you with certain shells.
  2. Watch the promotional video: Watching the 30-second promotional video is also an easy way to earn shells in the Otter Ocean.

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  1. Search for Missing Boards in the Missing Board: You can find the Missing Board quest board on the beach. Search for the missing creatures and you will get cockles as rewards.
  2. Follow developer Instagram: Tap follow developer Instagram account and you will get 25 free shells.
  3. Complete the task: Click on the letter icon and you will see a list of tasks you need to perform. Complete the quests and receive a shell reward.

3. Variety of treasure chests in the Otter Ocean

  1. Brown wooden chest : This old chest covered with algae is the most common. You will get shells or foods.
  2. Red Chests: You will receive antiques (to complete your treasure collection) and shells. However, there is still a chance of getting a new otter from the red chest.
  3. Purple Chests: In the Otter Ocean, purple chests contain quest items and these are difficult to find. Your chances of getting new otters are also high. You can find the necklace in a purple chest.

4. Understand the abilities of otters

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On the otters profile page you will find useful information about the otters you have. For example, Coby gives you 10 more shells from the quest reward and his favorite food is shrimp, while Willy increases your chances of getting food from quest rewards and oysters as food. Willy's favorite food.

5. How to get purple star to receive reward

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In the Otter Ocean, the purple star unlocks additional reward opportunities. Basically, you will have to collect a certain amount of purple stars to fill each otter's timeline and receive a reward, be it anything from food to memorable moments. can be used to fill your albums in the Menu. You can get a purple star in the Otter Ocean by bathing and curing an otter.

Otter Ocean is a game with a simple but very interesting gameplay, suitable for all ages. This article has shared you some useful tips for you to take care of the otters in the best way and have successful treasure hunts.

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