Thresh champions should pull in the DTCL

This is a list of champions that Thresh should pull into the field, you should prioritize the position for this list of champions to increase control and resistance for the team.

Thresh's damage in DTCL Season 3 may not be as strong, nor is he a buffalo Guardian like in DTCL Season 2. However, Thresh has the most unique skill in DTCL is to pull champions in the queue. into my arena, contributing to the strong squads in this Season 3 DTCL.

The stronger the champion is pulled in, the stronger Thresh will become. Gamers mostly favor champions with good damage skills or champions with high attack damage for Thresh to drag into the field. It is also easy to assemble DTCL Season 3 for Thresh when he only needs a mana equipment such as Caduceus, Shang Shojin or Armor to revive.

In the upcoming DTCL 10.10, Thresh is not on the list of buffs or nerf champions so he will still function as before. For the list of champions that Thresh needs to pull, see the article below.

List of champions Thresh should pull DTCL season 3


Thresh champions should pull in the DTCL Picture 1Thresh champions should pull in the DTCL Picture 1

The list of champions below will help the team have more control with nearly enough mana to help them just enter the field to be able to cast immediately.

  1. Kassadin: Good counters Poppy Candyland right now is quite good, the low amount of mana also allows Kassadin to just come in to use it immediately.
  2. Shen: If called in the first or second row, Shen will help the team have more resistance to their skills. 
  3. Lulu: Countered many roster, especially Poppy and Xayah recently.
  4. Graves: Good treatment of the Gunner, Gunner squads that have just been shot
  5. Soraka: Mana is a bit too many, but if the buff is good, the team win is quite high.
  6. Lux: Very good control, stable damage, low mana, so will use early skill.
  7. Zoe: Good at countering tanker champions, the mana is small so it can be used immediately.


Thresh champions should pull in the DTCL Picture 2Thresh champions should pull in the DTCL Picture 2

Aside from S-Tier, A-Tier champions are champions with large area control, but are soon killed by weak health. The amount of mana is high to attack and the hand is short, this list includes:

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