DTCL Magicians lineup season 10, TFT Magicians lineup season 10

This season 10 DTCL Wizard is quite flexible when combined with other clans and is a pure magic damage team. So choosing items and arranging champions in each stage is not too difficult.

In this DTCL season 10 meta list, the appearance of Wizards is indispensable, in fact these are Witches and Wizards generals but their names have been changed. And the clan buff is still dealing additional magic damage and launching additional moves based on the activation milestone. If you are passionate about a magic damage team, try the Wizard according to the instructions below.

Buffs and Wizard generals of DTCL season 10

Clan Buff

The whole team receives 15 AP, the Warlock receives more, and an additional amount of AP is added each time they use a skill.

  1. 3 Warlocks: 20 bonus magic power, 1 magic power each time you use a skill
  2. 5 Wizards: 35 bonus magic power, 1 magic power each time you use a skill
  3. 7 Wizards: 60 bonus magic power, 2 magic power each time you use a skill
  4. 10 Wizards: 120 bonus magic power, 10 magic power every time you use a skill

DTCL Magicians lineup season 10, TFT Magicians lineup season 10 Picture 1DTCL Magicians lineup season 10, TFT Magicians lineup season 10 Picture 1

Wizard generals and their skills

Annie (Emo - Magician)

  1. Passive: After casting 4 times, gain 40% Attack Speed ​​and deal additional skill damage to an enemy near the target. Active: Deals magic damage to the current target.
    Super Star Bonus: 20% increased magic power
  2. Recommended position: Top

Gragas (Disco - Magician - Fighter)

  1. Restores 400/500/600 health over 2 seconds. Then, deals magic damage to surrounding enemies and stuns them for 3 seconds.
  2. Stun: Reduces attack speed by 30%.
  3. Super Star Bonus: Reduces the damage dealt to him by 8% and increases the damage he deals by 8%.
  4. Recommended position: Top


Seraphine (K/DA - Magician)

  1. Send a high note to the largest group of units. It deals magic damage to nearby enemies and also heals nearby allies.
  2. Super Star Bonus: After every 2 casts, sing an additional high note that deals 70% damage and restores 70% health.
  3. Recommended position: Back row

Lulu (Hyperpop - Magician)

  1. Fires a beam towards the current target. It deals magic damage to the first unit it passes through and magic damage to the second unit it hits. Every third cast, stun the 3 nearest enemies for 1.5 seconds and instead deals magic damage to them.
  2. Superstar Bonus: Reduces maximum mana by 10.
  3. Recommended position: Back row

Ekko (True Damage - Guardian - Warlock)

  1. Deals magic damage to enemies within 2 cells and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Gain shield for 4 seconds.
  2. Buff True Damage: When the shield is created, heals 60 health per second.
  3. Superstar Bonus: 200 bonus health and 20% ability power.
  4. Recommended position: Top

Ahri (K/DA - Magician)

  1. Blow a kiss at the current target. It deals magic damage and stuns them for a short time. If the target has been kissed before, Ahri's ability will deal magic damage.
  2. Super Star Bonus: 15% increased magic power
  3. Recommended position: Back row

Sona (Music Prodigy - Magician)

  1. Passive: Simultaneous attacks send a pulse to allies, healing them for 3/5/100% of their maximum health.
  2. Active: Sends a pulse to all allies and grants them a shield for 6/6/30 seconds.
  3. Super Star Bonus: 5% attack speed, each attack increases Sona's attack speed by 2%.
  4. Recommended position: Back row

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Having Gragas and Ekko can be a tank when both can heal and receive shields from their skills. Where else is the damage and control from the Magician redundant if you can gather all the Magicians.

So in addition to focusing on Magician generals to deal damage, you should also combine with other tank generals that are not Magicians. This is to help the team not be overwhelmed when only Gragas and Ekko are taking the hit for the team.

Build items for Wizard generals, standard items for DTCL Wizards season 10

Only Gragas and Ekko receive magic items such as Stone Armor Beast, Dragon Claw, Thorn Armor, Blood Armor, Atonement Pendant or some disadvantageous items such as Fire Armor, Lightning Crossbow.

The remaining Wizard generals will all be suitable for magic items such as Witch Hat, Shojin Spear, Blue Talisman, Giant Slayer, Knife Face, Gemstone Gloves, Witch Hat, and Angel's Staff. Some support items such as Sword Gun, Red Amulet, and Nashor's Fang are also suitable.

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Wizard lineup, TFT Witch lineup season 10

Early game

Start right away with the cheap Warlock generals, Annie is the starting general and you can choose her as a Superstar along with Gragas to get 3 Warlocks. If you intend to roll Annie to 3 stars from the beginning, don't level up early now, save up money and maybe win the losing streak. Otherwise, go to level 4 in round 2-1.

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Between game

In the middle of the game, you can still keep 3 Wizards with Super Star Annie and roll up to 3 stars for her. After rolling up 3 stars for Annie, level up to 6 and gather the generals below. Otherwise, level up to level 6 within 3-2 and only level up 2 stars for the generals in the team.

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End of game

At the end, you can get the generals below to easily complete the squad, but that's if you roll Annie to 3 stars from the beginning. Now when Ahri is present, both will be the two main sources of damage. Tank items you can put on Amumu, Ekko or Gragas depending on who you get 3 stars for first.

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Or use Sona as support at the end of the game. If you have equipment, throw it to this DJ. Sona has 3 supports that you can choose from depending on what your team is lacking. The resistance task will now be assigned to Amumu, Neeko and Thresh. Annie and Amumu can get 3 stars so the team doesn't fall short in the early and middle of the game.

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Choosing 7 Wizards is also a good direction if you collect 6 Wizards. The Super Star mechanism allows players to see Super Star champions in the shop as soon as you have a Super Star in the team. This is not available in the Season 4 Elite mechanism, so you can sell low-priced Superstars to get high-priced Superstars if you have enough money and want to change.

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In general, this season 10 DTCL Wizard is quite flexible when combined with other clans and is a pure magic damage team. So choosing items and arranging champions in each stage is not too difficult.

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