This is the point that makes entrepreneurs different
If you are reading this article, it is likely that you will also pay certain attention to the business and startups. Working with people who have the same mindset, being able to do their favorite, be themselves and make a living with the chosen work itself? Is there anyone who doesn't want to be like that?
This kind of thinking seems to be very popular in most parts of the world, when entrepreneurial "phenomenon" is very popular. In turn, industries and services are challenged by groups of hard-working, enthusiastic, motivated, and optimistic people; those who want to see everything done differently. It doesn't matter if it's a seat in a toilet or a rocket ship, the "Dream it, do it" standard (dreaming about it, doing it) seems to have a tremendous gravitational pull.
Should be so! It's easy to imagine a not-too-distant future - where what we're calling a "startup" simply becomes a standard on how people connect with the world to create value. This way of thinking will probably exist everywhere and the necessary tools will become redundant. Indeed, we seem to be at the beginning of something that will be looked back upon as a moment of a decisive change in how people work and what they are developing.
This is the point that makes entrepreneurs different Picture 1
People say I'm too exaggerated on this issue but how do you not feel excited by the urge of a group of people to see the problem and instead of complaining, blogging, ignoring or anything else they focus on work to find a solution?
You can never change everything by fighting the existing truth. To change something, you need to build a new model that can make the existing one obsolete (Buckminster Fuller).
Interview with the founders
That's one of the reasons I started interviewing entrepreneurs in Shanghai. Although there seem to always be a lot of worrisome issues going on in the world, I still want to choose those who focus entirely on the process and are willing to participate in helping a small part (or big). ) of the world becomes better.
In fact, technology entrepreneurs are completely normal.
After having a lot of conversations, usually lasting a few hours, I began to realize something. Technology entrepreneurs are not some of the chosen people who are geniuses or innate talents - those who live with destiny as "superheroes" with outstanding results compared to others. In fact, they are completely normal.
If you still haven't realized this now, perhaps, I am fortunate to be among the few biggest supporters for the startup community. But sometimes, I am also afraid that more and more people will not be able to participate in this trend because they feel they do not have the necessary code skills, establish a relationship network, co-founders, indicators. IQ, financial resources, business plans, media, luck . or more.
However, after talking to a lot of startup founders, I knew what that secret was - a core that separates the outsiders (those who only observed) and those who were willing to rush into indefinite - that is a commitment.
This is the point that makes entrepreneurs different Picture 2
As observers, we can only see everything from an outside perspective and to be able to observe them, we must also pass the ritual of what's going on really, meaning ourselves. Each person only sees the final result.
We often give the result thanks to the motivation behind it but no one sees the chaos of things that appear first. We do not see the failure or repetition of mistakes, confusion, emotional disturbance and self-doubt, the effects of more than 1 million others, arguments and one child. The numbers seem to be limitless to other things that have been pre-arranged regardless of what the results are.
So, what I want to say here is that the entrepreneurs I have had the opportunity to interview are ordinary people. They went through all the same challenges and faced the same annoying little voice in your head like you. There is no easy way for them even though the "biographers" on TechCrunch is very flashy or their "headline" round headlines are big what size
What makes these people special is that they created that commitment.
Why is that?
Although no one knows exactly what they have done, although not ready, although they will not know where to go, despite the reasons that any of us when we first started business (or participating in the challenging early stages of a startup group is also available but they are still making up and creating commitment to themselves to find their way.
This is the point that makes entrepreneurs different Picture 3
That commitment is what helped them become great, not the opposite.
Simply put, what I learned from these people is that talented entrepreneurs are not talented because they always know what they need to do but they are talented because they know how to alleviate their duty to always do something that they impose on themselves.
After that commitment is the time when the miracle will happen, when these people go from being like others to people who start to expect more of themselves, start making efforts to improve things. they are doing, start adjusting their lives towards achieving goals and with every hurdle run will contribute to strengthening their determination and belief in themselves.
Once you make a decision, the whole universe will join forces to make it happen. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
So, if I learn something in discussions with these people, it is about grabbing uncertainty, accepting mistakes as a constant part of the process, be gentle but always looking for ways to improve, connect with something meaningful and most importantly, make a 100% COMMITMENT to achieve them.
You should read it
- Digital Entrepreneurship: Launching and Growing an Online Business
- 8 Characteristics of Entrepreneurship That Will Lead to Success
- '5 things I learned from MIT and Harvard'
- The three mistakes that startups make often follow Randi Zuckerberg - his sister Mark Zuckerberg
- If you want to succeed, don't turn yourself into one of these 5 types of people
- 5 successful business lessons from Amazon CEO - Jeff Bezos
- The true story of a 'poor overcoming' CEO and 6 valuable lessons for those who want to start a business
- Founder is different from Co-founder?
- These are 10 ways to 'keep the fire' when losing CEO motivation
- Joe Gebbia co-founded Airbnb's billion-dollar startup sharing the principles entrepreneurs need to remember if they want to succeed.
- Starting a business: 4 things to remember when conflicts occur between members of the founding group
- Find Co-founder to start your business, choose someone who has these 7 qualities
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