The source code of Windows 10 is revealed by hackers on the network

According to Register, Microsoft's exclusive, proprietary Windows 10 code compiler has been leaked online.

According to Register, Microsoft's exclusive, proprietary Windows 10 code compiler has been leaked online. This leak contains more than 32 TB of data, including Windows 10 source code and many other code only used internally at Microsoft. According to the report, the files include lots of code that Windows 10 uses to work with computer hardware, including built-in USB, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth drivers. In addition, there is Redmond's PnP code, storage driver, and ARM's OneCore kernel code.

Anyone with this information can detect security vulnerabilities that can be exploited to hack Windows systems around the world. This code runs at the center of the operating system, at some of the most reliable levels. Hackers and bad guys can now freely search for data to find potential vulnerabilities that they can exploit, to serve their malicious purposes. This is really a huge potential danger.

The source code of Windows 10 is revealed by hackers on the network Picture 1The source code of Windows 10 is revealed by hackers on the network Picture 1
Screenshot of the post on BetaArchive on Monday, June 19, with the action of adding Microsoft's secret source code

The source code was revealed on, a search site to store and publish software for everyone to use. According to the Register, these leaked data seem to have been taken from Microsoft starting in March 2017. The leak is much larger than the 2004 incident.

Besides the hardware code, the leak contains many versions of Windows 10 that have never been publicly released outside of Microsoft offices, such as the secret versions of Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, the The Windows-only, secret build for Windows has been created by Microsoft engineers for testing and bug-fixing purposes, including personal debugging symbols (often removed for releases. public).

This leak also includes the Redstone version, the 64bit version for ARM has not yet been released by Windows. There are too many versions that have leaked online, Microsoft will have trouble if it wants to recover through its Secure Boot mechanism, which means the technology giant cannot use the firmware security mechanism to prevent it. People start the operating system before they are actually released.

In addition, there are many versions of Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile Adaptation Kit, a set of secret software tools to help the operating system run on portable versions and various mobile devices.

Netizens have access to personal Beta Archive accounts that can keep leaked data completely free.

Currently, Microsoft declined to comment on this issue.

Update more:

Beta Archive administrators are in the process of removing Microsoft's unpublished data and Windows 10 builds from their FTP servers and forums. For example, all posts that mention Shared Source Kit have been removed from the June 19 post. Screenshots are taken before these data are deleted. You will notice from the screenshot above in the article and the post on the forum that the data between the Microsoft Windows 10 Debug Symbols and Diamond Monster 3D II Starter Pack has disappeared.

Shared Source Kit is only provided for "customers, businesses, government and partners who are eligible for debugging and reference purposes".

In a statement, the Beta Archive said: "The Shared Source Kit folder already exists on FTP until The Register's article is released. We have removed this data from our FTP and The list is awaiting review in case we miss something.We currently have no plans to restore it until there is a full review of its content made and It is accepted according to our rules ".

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