The snake set a record with the most venom in one bite, enough to kill 400 people

A coastal taipan snake named Cyclone kept in captivity in Australia secreted more than 5.2g of venom, three times the average amount of venom for this species and enough to kill 400 people, breaking the world record for the amount of venom. The venom is released in one squeeze, surprising the care professionals.

A coastal taipan snake named Cyclone kept in captivity in Australia secreted more than 5.2g of venom, three times the average amount of venom for this species and enough to kill 400 people, breaking the world record for the amount of venom. The venom is released in one squeeze, surprising the care professionals.

According to information from the Australian Reptile Park, a zoo located about 50km north of Sydney, New South Wales, Cyclone is one of the most dangerous snakes here, famous for its unpredictable temperament.

The snake set a record with the most venom in one bite, enough to kill 400 people Picture 1The snake set a record with the most venom in one bite, enough to kill 400 people Picture 1

The coastal taipan is a native to the northern and eastern coastal areas of Australia and is known to be one of the most venomous snakes on Earth. They are usually about 2 meters in length. Their head is rectangular with a gray-green muzzle and large yellow-brown eyes. The body has a variety of colors from yellow to reddish brown, dark brown and black. Coastal taipan snakes are very aggressive.

The previous record for the amount of venom secreted in one session was held by another coastal taipan named Whiplash at the park, with 4.9g of venom extracted in one session in 2022.

The Australian Reptile Park is the only facility in Australia that extracts venom from taipans and many other dangerous snakes, including eastern brown snakes (Pseudonaja textilis), tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) and black snakes (Pseudechis). produce anti-venom serum.

Once collected, snake venom is freeze-dried, meaning the water is removed at low temperatures, before being shipped to vaccine manufacturers. The record amount of venom from Cyclone will help save many lives.

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