The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely

Sometimes you will feel lonely lonely alone in this life. At times these meaningful sayings or short sts will help you somehow dispel that bad mood. If you're lonely, take some time to read and ponder these stt.

There will be moments, we suddenly realize that we are lonely in the midst of this life, depressed, playing with, everything around becomes strange. That is the feeling of being lonely. Loneliness when one is alone. But perhaps, most lonely when standing in the middle of a sea, people still feel . lost . and lonely . alone. At this time, calm down and read the stt, good saying below that will surely help you overcome this feeling of loneliness.

1. It's just that I suddenly feel lonely

In the middle of the street, there is a lot of freedom like a festival

The line still walks very quickly .

Where do we leave half of my life?

2. Price as .

Someone understands my life. To know that it was never okay. Always need someone on the side. Hold my hand every time I fall. Sharing, giving me energy. A hug helps me to stand firm. And know that I still love .!

3. I'm tired when I speak but no one hears, I'm sad but no one, I'm lonely and can't have a person with me.

4. At a certain age, people cannot do anything other than silence. Sadness is also silent, bliss is also silent. Occasionally, just want to sit at a corner of the shop, to see the austerities and then be as gentle as the sky. Life is like that, the chronicle is lonely.

5. The more noisy, the more lonely people, the more crowded around us alone. Because there are souls that no one can touch.

The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 1The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 1

6. Sometimes people are lonely

Not because there are no friends or relatives nearby

. but there is simply no one to turn around

7. Loneliness is . when tears come out, there is no towel to reach .

Loneliness is . in the midst of life, we cannot find silence .

Loneliness is . when there are countless joys, suddenly realizing there is no one to share .

Loneliness is . when sadness is "uttered", suddenly realizing there is no one 'listening' .

Loneliness is . in the warmth of the family, we cannot find empathy .

Loneliness is . among thousands of eyes watching us closely, we don't see a sincere look .

8. Very long time no one liked anyone, so long ago did not love anyone, gradually getting used to life alone. Naturally, the more familiar, the more instinct is to turn down their lives. It is not inherently impossible to meet the right person, but to meet it, but by being alone for so long, even the courage to go to a person does not exist, it is difficult to love a person. Such people, not for unreliable love, but for fear of being hurt.

9. As I get older, I become more and more afraid of the noise around me.

I crouched into a corner, keeping my mind in a private world.

And I am gradually afraid of superficial concerns, social relationships.

I'm weird and I'm eccentric.

10. Bitter coffee alone is bitter.

The bed is alone.

The room alone is empty.

The feeling of being alone, so strange

11. Prayer: the key of the day and the lock of the night.

12. Until I suffer in the dark, no one knows how sweet and precious the morning will be with my heart and eyes.

13. Perhaps only when night falls, a bed, a warm blanket and a beautiful dream, can comfort life every day with so many things that we don't like.

14. Watching a peaceful person die makes us think of a meteor; a bright spot between the millions of bright spots in the vast sky, sparkling in a moment just to disappear forever into the endless night.

15. I love the stars so much that I don't feel afraid of the night.

Life begins at night.

16. The night is the other half of life, and the better half.

17. I like the night. Without darkness, we will not be able to see the stars.

18. How sad is the sound in the winter night, when there is no one we love .

19. Do not be too lonely but have a wrong hand

Do not be too cold but rush to hug a shoulder

Learn to live carefree

Learn how to endure

Learn to keep happy

And giving up things will never be mine!

20. Ever

When you write 1 Status .

1% is to relieve your feelings, your mood .

99% is to see how many people LIKE and CMT Status .

And importantly .

Waiting for a 'SPECIAL' person to have his Like Status?

The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 2The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 2

21. 'When you love someone with all your heart, that love will never disappear even if you have to be separated. When you love someone and have done everything but still can't respond, let them go. Because if it is true love, it will surely return to you. '

22. Pretend to be strong, pretend to laugh

Pretend not to think, pretend

Pretend to be happy when you're sad

Pretend to laugh when tears are falling

Pretend to forget while you're really missing

Pretend to fall out of love while still in love .

23. It will be painful .

When I have to let go of a person I want to keep.

But really bitter .

When trying to hold on to someone who wants to let go

24. Someone who tells people to laugh freely or have nothing to laugh and still laugh is lonely.

25. Loneliness is when there is no one to talk to. Super loneliness is when there are so many people around but still not talking together.

26. Loneliness in the heart but delusion what takes place in front of you to do so is more lonely.

27. Suffering especially when you love someone, love someone who can't be with you, can't say your heart to that person.

28. People often think alone will make you lonely . But I don't think that's right. When around you all the bad people are the most lonely thing in the world.

29. Just want to hug someone when sad. And someone hugged every time they were happy. Simple but difficult to do.

30. I don't want to say stupid things like: 'I'm okay with my life', I just feel like I'm waiting, because I'm single.

The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 3The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 3

31. Give up a large amount of money to buy a good food, want to eat with someone but don't know who to call.

32. If we are single for life, there is no bright star in the sky, there are no raindrops in the middle of the cloud.

33. At that time, you were alone, you were alone, we accidentally bumped into each other and walked in the same paragraph.

34. I'm optimistic among the crowd, but when I'm alone, I don't. Trying to be alright but inside tears is the sea.

35. Being single doesn't mean it's not good, but because you're not good enough to have me.

36. Alone does not mean that they are alone in some corner. But in a certain frame, having them, having their friends, there are many people around them talking and chatting with them but deep within them, behind the mask is a lonely, lonely soul. , no one can understand .

37. Living alone is good, laughing and saying innocent days

Do what you like, go to the places you want

How many familiar dishes, love life freely .

38. Only sometimes do I feel lost in the middle of busy people!

The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 4The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 4

39. Silence does not mean stopping loving, but not knowing what to do with that feeling apart from watching silently.

40. Yes, I know it's always waiting . the rain has already fallen . why are you still sad?

41. Girls shouldn't be too strong. Sometimes need to be weak, need a support

But only for anyone to see, then who to rely on.

42. Learning to be resilient, living alone is good, smiling for me . Crying for me.

43. People no longer care about me. Why do I have to be bothered . just go back like I used to be carefree. When their hands no longer want to hold my hand, I have to give it a try. Learn how to accept and take steps not to look at the past . eventually I will understand that love is not everything. In the end, I just wanted to be at peace.

44. In everyone's heart, there are many ways of thinking, sad thoughts. Sometimes it is not necessary to open up for everyone to see.

45. Suddenly bored, suddenly lonely, suddenly found himself so small, suddenly wanted to disappear somewhere far .

46. ​​All kinds of things just stick in me! Want to rest in a quiet place and forget the worries of life

47. I do not allow myself to be weak . Because I know, even if I am tired, I cannot lean on anything . So I force myself to be strong, to overcome the storm of Saigon . It is scary Where else, then I'll pass . I can do it!

The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 5The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 5

48. Don't be afraid of loneliness. Please enjoy it. Because you know it will be your most free time later.

49. No one can avoid anything in life and nothing can happen in this world =)))) Stopping people once and only being afraid to endure their whole life.

50. Everything is back from the beginning! The path is getting longer and longer, not seeing where I need to go .

51. Alone, bored or not is also because of you. If you are too free, you will feel lonely. When you're busy, it's still lonely, but at least it's never enough to grab a half-hearted affection. Alone is fine

52. Recognize that a period of time does not belong to any guy, is a time of comfort, the most jealous, the most beautiful, though sometimes sad to have heart when they see they have a couple of pairs while I hold my hand, or accidentally remember something of the past.

53. Alone is fine, like it. Want to do something. Just a little busy to forget lonely. Until someone really wants to love me, then calculate later. How long have life been but indifferent.

54. The biggest sadness is when I always have to show that I am a happy person. The biggest pain is always trying to smile

55. When I'm happiest I'm alone, I'm still alone when I'm most lonely, I'm still alone when I'm desperate . Loneliness is a habit.

56. I have a person to love, friends to love, relationships to work, but I - still - only - is - people - lonely - with - happiness - happiness - alone!

57. The most lonely is not alone, but alone to find another 'alone'.

56. Then one day, when people crave love, they endure strangely. They kept maintaining that bigotry growing and growing, they were fortunate to know one thing in advance but deliberately ignored it, even though they were in pain but still wanted to achieve. It's not their fault, it's not that crazy love, it's weird .

59. Tired to the point of wanting to cry, feeling alone to fight the whole world.

The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 6The good stt, the mood for those who are lonely Picture 6

60. Feeling lonely in the midst of life is a very normal thing. Only those normalities sometimes go on and on and on. So sad.

61. Because I am a small girl who is used to living with the difficulties of living with the sadness and worries of life.

62. Want to be noticed by many people, but the noisy, hustle and nosy make me uneasy and then run away. Want to have a place to belong, someone loves, delights, protects but sometimes finds 'connecting 1-1' with a real person is extreme. Likes to be alone to enjoy loneliness but sometimes get up and cry because of the lonely empty feeling in the middle of the night.

63. I just want to have a space for myself, to hear and listen to Irish music, read the Bible story, see the treacherous but very innocent face of Chow. Or lie on the bed watching the streak of sun dancing on the window curtain.

64. I cook, the cat licks my feet and licks my legs next to the window. The fan is shaking back and forth and the sweat is still flowing. The day when I looked at the yellow color of the sun outside the window did not want to do anything. I realize I don't like cooking alone. Just having to cook and clean and delicious, no one complained and nodded.

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