The fastest dogs in the world
How many km/h can a dog run? Which dog breed has the fastest running speed? Let's find out together!
Do you love to run or live fast? And are you looking for a furry companion to share your fast-paced lifestyle? While some puppies are bred for speed, others just want to get where they want to go in a hurry! These puppies make great family pets, can work, or learn tricks using their running skills! While most puppies can run pretty fast, there are definitely breeds that are built for speed and could be your perfect running companion. Here are the fastest dog breeds in the world today.
Greyhound (maximum speed: 70 km/h). Greyhound is a gentle and intelligent hunting dog breed. Greyhounds have a strong, muscular body and long legs that help them run at speeds of up to 72 km/h. Even the fastest dog in the world can reach a speed of 45 km/h in just 3 long strides. When running, they seem to lift all four legs into the air and glide extremely quickly and lightly.
Vizsla (maximum speed: 64 km/h). Vizsla is also a hunting dog breed that many people choose as pets because they are calm, friendly and loyal. This dog breed has a slim, agile body.
Saluki (maximum speed: 64 km/h). The Saluki breed is also known as the Egyptian Royal Dog, Arabian Greyhound, Persian Greyhound. This breed of dog has a very fast running speed and great endurance, helping them hunt antelopes or other animals hiding on rocky mountains or deep in the sand.
Jack Russell Terrier (top speed: 61 km/h). Jack Russell Terrier or Russell Terrier, Parson Jack Russell is a breed of dog that specializes in digging burrows and catching small rodents.
Dalmatian (maximum speed: 60 km/h). Dalmatians are distinguished by their black spots on a white background. Dalmatians are descended from sled dogs and scent hounds, so they run very fast.
Borzoi (maximum speed: 58 km/h). Borzoi or poodle is an ancient Russian hunting dog breed used to hunt wolves, so it is not surprising that they possess super mobility.
Weimaraner (maximum speed: 56 km/h). Weimaraner belongs to the hunting dog group, with a docile and loyal nature. They originated in Germany and were used to hunt deer or wolves.
Whippet (maximum speed: 56 km/h). Whippet is a descendant of greyhound, so it can run very fast. This sporty hunting dog has a tall, long body, long legs, strong teeth, an arched back, a sunken belly, and a bulging flank like a leopard's.
Dobermann (maximum speed: 48 km/h). Dobermann or Dobermann Pinscher (according to AKC) is a fierce German dog breed. They are muscular and durable, suitable for military or police service.
Border Collie (maximum speed: 48 km/h). Border Collies are herding and hunting dogs often kept on farms because of their ability to control livestock. They are very intelligent and agile.
While the Catahoula Leopard Hound is known to run at speeds on par with Greyhounds (up to 45 mph), their average speed is around 20 mph. This beautiful Louisiana native can come in a variety of coat colors, eye colors, and patterns. Strong and independent, this herding dog works hard and plays hard.
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