Test middle-level blockchain knowledge

If the basic blockchain quiz has not made it difficult for you, try the more difficult questions in this medium-level blockchain knowledge test.

If the basic blockchain quiz has not made it difficult for you, try the more difficult questions in this medium-level blockchain knowledge test.Don't forget, and the most difficult quiz awaits you.

  1. What is dApp?
    1. A virtual currency
    2. A spice
    3. A type of blockchain
    4. A decentralized application
  2. What is the term used when blockchain is split?
    1. Fork
    2. Merger
    3. Sidechain
    4. Division
  3. What is the purpose of nonce?
    1. Stand before nouns
    2. A hash function
    3. Prevent dual spending
    4. Send information to the blockchain network
  4. What is cold storage?
    1. Where to hang the jacket
    2. Personal lock connecting to the Internet
    3. Private key does not connect to the Internet
    4. Desktop wallet
  5. What motivates the miner to give the correct authentication for the transaction?
    1. Nonce
    2. Block rewards
    3. Get positive reviews from the community
    4. More memory
  6. What is Genesis Block?
    1. The first block of the blockchain chain
    2. Famous blocks are embedded directly into the hash of the Book of Genesis on the blockchain
    3. The first block after each block divides
    4. The second transaction of the blockchain chain
  7. What is a private key?
    1. Lock to your key chain
    2. Lock is given to everyone
    3. Lock is not given to everyone
    4. The lock opens the secret door
  8. What does Ethereum Virtual Machine operate with?
    1. Gas
    2. Ether
    3. Bitcoin
    4. Block rewards
  9. Asymmetric encryption used .
    1. Only public key
    2. Only private key
    3. Private key and public key
    4. Stock Proof (PoS - Proof of Stake)
  10. What is stock proof Proof of Stake?
    1. Certification required to use blockchain
    2. Password needed to go to the trading floor
    3. How to create a private key
    4. Transaction verification protocol and block


1. D
2 A
3. C
4. C
5. B 6. A
7. C
8. A
10. D
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