CSS test with answer P4
Set of multiple choice questions about CSS programming language, invite readers to test their knowledge on this topic. With 10 questions including 4 answers, please choose the best answer.
- Question 1. The z-index attribute is used to
- Relative positioning for a component
- Specifies the border style of a web object
- Create color effects for links
- Put web components in different layers
- Sentence 2. text-transform: uppercase is used to format effects
- Flower print
- Print the first letter in each word
- Print often
- No effects apply
- Question 3. Group of objects with the same attributes and can be used multiple times are:
- class
- id
- Both a and b are correct
- A and B are wrong
- Question 4. In RGB color code hexadecimal form, #FFFFFF is what color?
- Black
- White
- Red
- Green
- Question 5. The priority when applying CSS is:
- External CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- Inline CSS
- Question 6. The cascading order of CSS according to the priority from low to high is as follows:
- External Style Sheet, Internal Style Sheet, Browser default, Inline Style
- Inline Style, Browser default, External Style Sheet, Internal Style Sheet
- Browser default, Internal Style Sheet, Inline Style, External Style Sheet
- Browser default, External Style Sheet, Internal Style Sheet, Inline Style
- Question 7. CSS defines different styles for the same HTML element using:
- class selector
- id selector
- name selector
- type selector
- Question 8. To link to the External Style sheet we use the card:
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