Small laptops MSI Wind has new members

It is expected that next month MSI will release a new version of the tiny Wind laptop with a longer battery life than the current version.

Small laptops MSI Wind has new members Picture 1Small laptops MSI Wind has new members Picture 1 It is expected that next month MSI will release a new version of the tiny Wind laptop with a longer battery life than the current version.

The new 'Mi' Wind laptop will have a 6-cell battery instead of a 3-cell battery like before. Although the weight is a bit heavier (1.18kg), the new model has a much higher usage time (from 6-7 hours instead of 2-3 hours as before).

The main rival of the Wind, now the Asus Eee PC (also using a 6-cell battery), was launched in June. The Asus representative said that thanks to the integration of energy saving technologies, and the Atom chip itself is a chip that consumes very little power, the Eee PC can run continuously for 8 hours.

The new Wind version will have pink in addition to the only two colors currently black and white. It will run on Novell's Suse Linux operating system instead of Windows XP.

Battery life is a very important factor for 'netbook' lines (the common name for mini laptops). These laptops are often designed for mobile purposes, so they are very light (weighing about 1kg), 7-10-inch screens, and are capable of connecting to the Internet wirelessly via Wi-Fi or 3G networks. The price of netbooks is also much cheaper than regular laptops - only about 199-599USD.

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