Quora's question and answer page was attacked, causing 100 million users to leak personal information

According to Channelnewsasia, Quora Inc., a Q&A website owned by Quora, was attacked on December 3, leaving information of 100 million users exposed.

According to Channelnewsasia, Quora Inc., a Q&A website owned by Quora, was attacked on December 3, leaving information of 100 million users exposed. Quora was founded in 2009 by D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever, two former Facebook employees.

CEO Adam D'Angelo said that their database system has been illegally accessed and compromised by a third party. 100 million user accounts can be stolen data information including name, email address, password and even data entered from linked pages authorized by users. However, users who post questions and answers anonymously are not affected by this problem.

Quora's question and answer page was attacked, causing 100 million users to leak personal information Picture 1Quora's question and answer page was attacked, causing 100 million users to leak personal information Picture 1
Photo: Channelnewsasia.

Currently, Quora Inc is in the process of informing users about the incident, maybe the affected accounts will be logged out and disable the password.

Mr. D'Angelo said, Quora Inc asked a leading cyber security company to help solve the problem. At the same time, the company is also cooperating with authorities to investigate the cause of the incident. Meanwhile, the company will continue to take security steps to protect users and prevent similar incidents that may occur in the future.

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