So an update to the new Arena of Truth Season 3 is coming to gamers in just a few months. Riot Games announced that Season 3 DTCL with the theme of Space is on its way to becoming part of the champion rotation of DTCL gamers.

The information about the DTCL Season 3 version below this article is not much, but it is enough to help you know which champions you have in your hand and which Tribes will be included in this upcoming version.

Information on the Arena of Truth season 3

When will DTCL season 3 debut?

There is no specific date yet, but some previous information confirmed that Season 3 DTCL will be launched in March 2020 along with DTCL Mobile on Android and iOS. Mortdog has officially confirmed that DTCL Mobile will dock in CHPlay and App Store in March 2020.

What's in DTCL season 3?

Although nothing has been confirmed yet, surely the new generals, clans, equipment will be different from the previous two versions of the DTCL. You can also earn new Summoned Beasts and new stage skins.

Will the rankings be reset in DTCL season 3?

Yes, on the day of the official Season 3 DTCL broadcast, the rankings will be reset like Season 2.

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New features of DTCL season 3

In addition to the new clan, in DTCL season 2, gamers have information on the feature O Element and new clan. Maybe the element cell feature will be removed and instead a new feature on the generals. And DLCL mapping can still be the same.

Chess and Tribe DTCL season 3

Although not much is known about the champion in DTCL season 3, but based on the theme Out of this world - Space. Many gamers have said that the generals of the generals in this season 3 DLCL will look superficial towards the cosmic and modern skin, and here are the generals and clans confirmed to appear. in DTCL season 3.

The Super Product (Project)

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  1. The hero has been confirmed to be in DTCL Season 3: Fiora
  2. Potential champions will appear: Ekko, Leona, Lucian, Yasuo, Master Yi, Ashe, Warwick, Pyke, Zed, Katarina, Akali, Irelia, Jinx, Jhin, Vayne.

Star Guardian

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  1. The hero has been confirmed to be in DTCL Season 3: Poppy
  2. Potential champions will appear: Syndra, Lulu, Soraka, Rakan, Xayah, Zoe, Ahri, Ezreal, Janna, Jinx, Lux, Miss Fortune, Neeko

Space Squadron (Odyssey)

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  1. The champion has been confirmed to be in DTCL Season 3: Jinx
  2. Potential champions will appear: Kayn, Yasuo, Sona, Malphite, Ziggs

Ultimate Weapon Kit (Pulsefire)

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  1. He has been confirmed to be in DTCL Season 3: Shen
  2. Potential champions will appear: Caitlyn, Ezreal, Riven, Thresh, Twisted Fate

Information on new equipment in the DTCL season 3

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Currently, we do not know what Riot will release in the equipment system of DTCL Season 3. Perhaps the current equipment development process is balancing the items in the game. However, Riot Games confirmed that there will be some items that need to be redone to better suit the situation in the game.

That is some information about the new season of the Truth Arena, but not much but enough for gamers to know what the theme of this season 3 will be. In the near future, Quantrimang will continue to update more information about the clan, equipment, summoned beasts and many new features that will appear in the Season 3 DTCL for you to know more.

See more:

  1. Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1
  2. Teams counteract Mages and Veigar DTCL 10.1
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