Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1

This list will tell you which Champion's Mercury Cloak in DTCL 10.1 suits best, and why that champion should be equipped with ACTN.

Mercury Capes, also known as Quicksilver, or Quicksilver for recognition. This is one of the very powerful reworked equipment in this DTCL 10.1 version. With the reworked effect stats, all crowd control effects are no longer important compared to Mercury Cloak.

But wearing this equipment for a suitable champion is something gamers should consider. If you think simple, many people will attach it to the main carry or champions that resist well in the first place. Here are some of the names that you can equip with Mercury Cloak in this Arena of Truth 10.1.

Which champions are suitable for Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1

The Cloak of Mercury Cloak and restraint effects can be prevented

Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1 Picture 1Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1 Picture 1

Recipe for DTCL Mercury Capes 10.1: Gauntlet of Practice + Silver Cloak

  1. Old effect: Receive a shield that blocks the next override effect. The shield regenerates every 3 seconds.
  2. New effect: Owned champions are immune to all crowd control effects.

List of champions and equipment to control the cap that Mercury Cloak can break.

  1. Freezing: National Ice Generals, new Ice Gloves
  2. Fling : Taliyah, Malphite, Nami, Nautilus.
  3. Chute / Silent Lock: Silent Knife
  4. Stun: Leblanc
  5. Prevent mana regen: Soraka
  6. Block the attack: Tan Kiem

All of the champion's control effects, equipment above will not work if your champion has Mercury Cloak. As for the damage effects or equipment dealing damage over time with uncontrolled debuff (Burning from fire umbrella, Poison, burning from Demon / Red Charm) will still apply to Mercury Cloak as usual .

List of champions suitable for Mercury Capes 10.1

Braum: This equipment may not be necessary for Braum, but if he is controlled before he can turn on the shield, the time to die will be very fast. Mercury Cloak can be equipped in the 3rd slot if you have nothing for Braum.

Nasus: With Mercury Cloak, Nasus can use his timed move to extend the standing time on the floor. In addition to blocking ice control from the Ice Kingdom generals.

Vladimir: There are two good counter effects to Vladimir that are the burning effect from the Red / Devil's Book and control effects. When ACTN is available, Vladimir will no longer be "frozen" and will be much stronger than before.

Maokai: Like Vladimir, Maokai also needs ACTN to heal, no longer controls, does not use mana, so he will continue to suck blood if the enemy casts continuously.

Aatrox: This guy just got a buff for health in this version 10.1, so he can live longer and deal more damage than before. It is important that Aatrox is standing right behind the tanker line and if being controlled, Aatrox will not do anything.

Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1 Picture 2Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1 Picture 2

Kindred: It is easy to be hit by Malphite or become a target of Nautilus by always jumping continuously throughout the map and away from his squad. With ACTN, Kindred will no longer be controlled and will be more flexible.

Mundo: Like Vladimir, Mundo also needs to launch a spell to stand on the ring. Combining Warmog's Blood Armor and Clawing Dragon or Cape Cloak, Dr Mundo will be a tanker general with an unstoppable attack.

Nocturne: The Nocturne Swordsman squad is still a very good dame formation. And Nocturne in this lineup will be even stronger with Mercury Capes. Blocking all restrictions that block the killers of champions like Nami, Malphite or Nautilus will no longer be a problem for Nocturne.

Kha'Zix: Like Nocturne, Kha'Zix is ​​somewhat more flexible and also easy to control from the Ice Kingdom generals.

Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1 Picture 3Strong champions when equipped with Mercury Cloak DTCL 10.1 Picture 3

Lucian: Quite dangerous if Lucian's Ulti is not bound. Whether alive or reincarnated as a Spirit, Lucian will still fire continuously while Senna is alive or if she is under control without any effect.

Malphite: Malphites will not be able to live long with teams that stack damage like Assassins Swordsman. Not to mention the control effect and can't knock before dying. With ACTN, Malphite can hit at least once if you do not have enough tankers to withstand the enemy.

Singed: He kept running back and forth to cause dame and of course if he managed to eat he could only stand still and wait for death. ACTN will help him survive longer in the team, just like that.

Taric: Creating an immunity zone for a very large damage at 2 stars and this is necessary at the end of the game. But with the control effect he won't be able to do anything, so ACTN is a necessary item for Taric and makes the team easier to win.

Amumu: Like Malphite, being controlled by him cannot use the ability, Amumu just stood there waiting to die.

It must be said that there are quite a few champions competing for this shirt in your team, the DTCL patching style remains the same so you only need a Silver Cloak and Gauntlet to have ACTN. However, you have to calculate and consider which ACTN equipment for which champion will the team benefit the most on the list of champions above.

See more:

  1. How to build the Nocturne lineup for the DTCL swordsmen season 2
  2. Hidden effects on equipment, champions and clans in the Arena of Truth season 2
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