Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers

To work effectively and protect health, Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers. Let's find out more in this article!

To work effectively and protect health, Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers. Let's find out more in this article!

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Iris Ohyama - a company specializing in manufacturing household goods including plastic products, office machines, kitchen tools to pet food based in Kakuda city, Japan has taken out some strange rules for employees. This regulation is not like anyone and it sounds ridiculous when forcing its employees not to sit and use the computer while working but must stand . To apply that rule, the company provided a high table with computers placed around so employees could stand there even during the process.

Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers Picture 1Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers Picture 1

With the diversity in products, perhaps Iris Ohyama does not want its employees to work at the company but just sit still for a whole day. Therefore, the company has announced that it will ban employees from using personal computers while sitting. Instead, the company asked them to use a shared unit at one of the standing workstation stations that would be set up around the office.

This sounds like a joke, but it is a true story, Iris Ohyama in Japan has issued an irony rule when banning its employees from using computers but standing instead up until the end of the working time.

Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers Picture 2Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers Picture 2

According to the head of Iris Ohyama, the reason for this strange provision is because we often sit or use computers for a long time, especially in a fixed position, This is not good for health . Everyone's computer time is 45 minutes, after 45 minutes they have to return to their old position to work. Iris Ohyama said that this regulation will help increase the concentration, creativity as well as improve the health situation of the self, thereby helping the productivity increase significantly compared to sitting as a computer. passive way.

Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers Picture 3Japanese companies force employees not to sit while using computers Picture 3

This rule is not just starting recently, since 2007 Iris Ohyama has banned her employees from using computers at personal desks. However, in the first 10 years of implementing this regulation, the PC workstation system still has benches. With this new rule, Iris Ohyama will first test at Kakuda city headquarters , then expand to all offices in Japan.

However, for exceptions such as regular access to computers for work or employees with bone-related illnesses are reviewed and supported by the company. And others must do exactly what the company has set out. Because of this difficulty, some employees also want to use comfortable shoes while walking around the company due to the nature of the work that has to stand for many hours or most likely they will have to stand when compiling. " list of names of the most famous cats of Japan ".

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