Huawei employees 'dumbfounded' posted tweets to celebrate the new year from heavily punished iPhones

Recently, a 'humorous' incident happened on the Twitter page of Huawei, the world's second largest smartphone manufacturer, when a new year's congratulatory message was sent via the iPhone.

Recently, a "humorous" incident happened on the Twitter page of Huawei, the world's second largest smartphone manufacturer, when a new year's congratulatory message was sent via the iPhone.

According to Reuters, the senior vice president of the technology group said the incident seriously affected the company's brand.Huawei's side of course also has appropriate penalties for those who violate.Accordingly, a digital marketing director responsible for managing media accounts on Twitter has been reprimanded, downgrading human resources as well as his monthly salary will be reduced by about 728 USD compared to normal.In addition, the marketing director will no longer have the opportunity to be promoted or promoted in the next 12 months, starting January 12, 2019.

Huawei employees 'dumbfounded' posted tweets to celebrate the new year from heavily punished iPhones Picture 1Huawei employees 'dumbfounded' posted tweets to celebrate the new year from heavily punished iPhones Picture 1

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In the opinion of experts, Huawei's recent incident on Twitter is likely to be the result of a virtual private network (VPN) incident with the desktop computer.As we all know, Twitter is blocked in China, so VPN is the necessary means to access Twitter in this country, and most likely an iPhone with a roaming SIM card has been used to send New Year tweet at midnight.Huawei's representative also acknowledged that 'the incident exposed the gaps in our process and management'.

Twitter has previously deleted information about tweet sources from its web site and mobile app, but some third-party apps will still display this information.Also, just last month, the blog service has put the source data back on Twitter platforms, which is why the word 'Twitter from iPhone' appears beneath Huawei's disastrous tweet lines. at the beginning of the week.

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The incident has become the focus of ridicule on social networking sites during the past few days.Huawei, of course, deleted his original New Year's tweet immediately and reposted it, this time with 'Twitter Media Studio' source, but it was obviously hard to erase the trace. Internet environment.Many people have snapped up evidence of Huawei's Twitter channel manager using iPhone to post articles.

Huawei employees 'dumbfounded' posted tweets to celebrate the new year from heavily punished iPhones Picture 2Huawei employees 'dumbfounded' posted tweets to celebrate the new year from heavily punished iPhones Picture 2

Similar incidents are not uncommon in the technology world.Previously, Samsung's Twitter account has been posted twice for its flagship flagship, Galaxy Note9, but it uses iPhone and clear evidence is still the "Twitter from iPhone" ear. harm.

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