How does UNICEF's technology initiative save thousands of children?

Kid Power is a two-goal initiative of UNICEF that not only helps American children be more active but also helps save malnourished children in poor countries.

Two years after the launch of Kid Power sports bracelet, a tool that helps children turn walking steps into food packages for poor children in developing countries, UNICEF has launched a free application to whom Can also join hands to help.

UNICEF Kid Power application, now available on both Android and iOS platforms, conducts physical activity monitoring via the phone, such as the iPhone's Health app, or powerful tracking devices like Apple. Watch, . For every 2,500 steps, the user will earn 1 point, and every 10 points, you will unlock a package of food (RUTF) and be sent to seriously malnourished children through the donor. program support .

Launching this application, UNICEF wants everyone to be able to participate in helping poor children without necessarily having a Kid Power bracelet and not necessarily a child.

How does UNICEF's technology initiative save thousands of children? Picture 1How does UNICEF's technology initiative save thousands of children? Picture 1
Many children in developing countries are severely malnourished

Caryl M. Stern, president and CEO of UNICEF USA said: " Our goal is for millions of children in the United States to help millions of children around the world. And you can join the program. Kid Power is not necessarily a child . " Kid Power started out as a small program in California in 2014. After this program, participating children were more active than other 55% children and earned points to save hunger for 473 undernourished children. Severe nursing. Since then, UNICEF has decided to expand the program to schools in New York, Boston, Dallas .

When food shortages in Africa and the Middle East became severe, UNICEF decided to divert RUTF packages to South Sudan and surrounding areas.

How does UNICEF's technology initiative save thousands of children? Picture 2How does UNICEF's technology initiative save thousands of children? Picture 2
Kid Power event introduced in Los Angeles

Unlike other programs, RUTF food packages are a unique and practical initiative because recipients do not need a refrigerator to store, thereby resolving the conversation to the receiving location. Food also does not need to be re-cooked or needs to be used in water, so it is very useful for drought areas like South Sudan.

" What makes Kid Power really interesting is that even children can help. Adults can also participate. It becomes an experience for the whole family, the workplace. Not just a health responsibility. but also saves lives for others, "Stern said.

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