GOTO command in SQL Server

The GOTO command is a simple jump command, which allows an unconditional jump program from GOTO to a location in the program that has a label (laber) command in the same function.

The GOTO command is a simple jump command, which allows an unconditional jump program from GOTO to a location in the program that has a label (laber) command in the same function. This article will detail how to use this command in SQL Server.


The GOTO statement in SQL Server consists of two parts: Commands and labels. We use the following syntax:

The GOTO command includes the GOTO keyword enclosed with the label name label_name

 GOTO label_name; 

The label section includes the label name label_name and the statement to execute next.

 label_name: {. next execution statement .} 


  1. label_name must be unique within the function scope.
  2. There must be at least one command to execute after declaring the label.

For example

 DECLARE @Number INT = 1 ; 
DECLARE @Total INT = 0 ;

WHILE @Number < = 10
GOTO quantrimang;
SET @Total = @Total + @Number;
SET @Number = @Number + 1 ;

PRINT @Total;


In the example using this GOTO statement, we created a label named quantrimang, when the @NUMBER variable reached value 5, the program allowed to jump to the position of the quantrimang label in the function and execute the statement following it. .

See more:

  1. IF commands . ELSE in SQL Server.
  2. WHILE loop in SQL Server.
  3. BREAK (Control Interrupt) command in SQL Server.

Previous lesson: CONTINUE command in SQL Server

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