Google AI can help you 'talk' to books

Google's new experimental product shows that artificial intelligence (AI) can clearly understand what we say, helping you to ask for anything available on the book library.

Google's new experimental product shows that artificial intelligence (AI) can clearly understand what we say, helping you to ask for anything available on the book library.

To prove to everyone the possibility of artificial intelligence (AI) can clearly understand what we say, recently Google Research (Google Research) has launched a test product with the name Call Sematic Experiences. This product includes 2 websites.

One of the two websites called "Talk to Books". "Talk to Books", users can "communicate" with books, and it can understand users asking at certain industries limits.

You just need to enter a sentence or any question, "Talk to Books" will find and give all the most relevant sentences in many titles in response to what you just entered.

Google AI can help you 'talk' to books Picture 1Google AI can help you 'talk' to books Picture 1

Readers can test Talk to Books here.

According to the researchers, they have given this AI system "billions of dialogue pairs" and trained so that it can learn how to recognize a good answer and not depend on the activity. Search for keywords. Talk to Books can help you find the title, text in the book in the context you want to talk about, which Google search engine will not be able to do if searching only by keywords.

The second site launched with "Talk to Books" is Semantris, a page that includes games related to vocabulary. One of them is a game that puts words about the same topic, similar to a Tetris puzzle.

Google AI can help you 'talk' to books Picture 2Google AI can help you 'talk' to books Picture 2

Readers can experience Semantris games here.

These websites are an example of how "computer learning" is able to implement applications that seemed impossible before such as the ability to classify, analyze semantic similarity, semantic grouping. , choose appropriate vocabulary options and semantic search features .

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