Dedicated Bitcoin excavator equipped with water radiator, power saving and noise reduction

Therefore, Bitmain has created a dedicated Bitcoin excavator equipped with water cooling system to save electricity and reduce noise.

To handle extremely complex tracks, Bitcoin excavators consume a huge amount of electricity, of course, the heat and noise they produce are also very terrible.

Therefore, Bitmain has created a dedicated Bitcoin excavator equipped with water cooling system to save electricity and reduce noise. The new Bitmain machine was created by mounting a water cooling system on top of Antminer S9.

The Antminer S9 is a pre-coding digger that is considered the gold standard of miners, can exploit any kind of crypto that uses SHA-256 hashing algorithm, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash .

Dedicated Bitcoin excavator equipped with water radiator, power saving and noise reduction Picture 1Dedicated Bitcoin excavator equipped with water radiator, power saving and noise reduction Picture 1

Bitmain said that the Antminer S9 water-cooling version can directly use water from outside and when used will help large farms save about 10% of electricity. This is extremely necessary for miners when the pre-coding market is still unable to recover.

Before Bitmain, a miner also made his own water cooling system for the Antminer S9 and posted the video on YouTube.

Radiator water for a homemade YouTuber Antminer S9.

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