Bitcoin wallet 'inviolable' used by John McAfee was hacked by a 15-year-old boy to play DOOM

Recently, a 15-year-old boy posted a video on Twitter showing that the BitFi wallet of the same type as John McAfee's wallet was hacked successfully. Even in the video, the boy played the legendary DOOM game on this 'inviolable' electronic wallet.

BitFi is an electronic wallet that uses more advanced security technology than current types of wallets. BitFi is very confident in its e-wallet and thinks it's 'inviolable', even the company claims that anyone who can hack a BitFi wallet will be rewarded with a $ 100,000 reward. On the personal Twitter page, John McAfee also announced hanging 250,000 bonuses for anyone who could hack his BitFi wallet.

Bitcoin wallet 'inviolable' used by John McAfee was hacked by a 15-year-old boy to play DOOM Picture 1Bitcoin wallet 'inviolable' used by John McAfee was hacked by a 15-year-old boy to play DOOM Picture 1

Recently, a 15-year-old boy posted a video on Twitter showing that the BitFi wallet of the same type as John McAfee's wallet was hacked successfully. Even in the video, the boy played the legendary DOOM game on this 'inviolable' electronic wallet.

Earlier, a Dutch programmer also announced on his Twitter page has successfully rooted the BitFi wallet, can install malicious software and perform many other destructive acts. This person even affirmed that the nature of BitFi wallet is just an application in the cloud.

Meanwhile, John McAfee insisted that it was not a hack because he could not get Bitcoin in his wallet.

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