American company develops nuclear batteries that operate continuously for 50 years

Two American companies Kronos Advanced Technologies and Yasheng Group cooperated to develop nuclear batteries that can operate continuously for decades without charging to narrow the gap with China.

The new small nuclear battery, called Nickel 63, can operate for up to 50 years without recharging. This could help address urgent energy storage needs across a variety of sectors, including medical devices, remote sensing, space exploration and the military.

American company develops nuclear batteries that operate continuously for 50 years Picture 1American company develops nuclear batteries that operate continuously for 50 years Picture 1

Therefore, the joint project between Kronos Advanced Technologies and Yasheng Group aims to compete for market share with Chinese products, providing a domestically produced nuclear battery option in the US.

Nuclear batteries work by converting radioactive isotopes into electrical energy through the decay process. Energy from nuclear batteries does not rely on chain reactions like nuclear power plants, so it can produce large amounts of energy while minimizing waste through the decay of radioactive materials. This type of battery can last several decades, providing a long-term energy storage solution.

Experts believe that it is possible to create ultra-light, long-lasting, reliable and safe nuclear batteries for application in many fields, typically medicine. For example, Nickel-63 batteries can power implantable medical devices such as pacemakers, artificial hearts, and cochlear implants.

In addition, nuclear batteries can also be used in the aerospace and defense fields for long-term space flights and important missions or in remote sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Needs power, no maintenance required.

The two American companies said that their batteries will collect and convert beta particles into electrical energy, use semiconductor materials, have extremely sturdy radiation-proof casings and advanced thermal management systems. These important features make nuclear batteries safe and worth buying for customers.

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