5 treatments for effective natural dry coughs you may not know

Persistent dry coughs cause an itchy neck sensation, coughing all over the body and still not more pleasant. Please refer to the 5 effective natural cough treatments you may not know below!

Cough is a common reaction of the respiratory apparatus to expel foreign bodies.Persistent dry coughs cause an itchy neck sensation, coughing all over the body and still not more pleasant. A dry cough is not only a nuisance for your life, but also for people in the same group and in social communication. The following article will provide people with 5 treatments for effective natural dry cough . A cough can be treated thoroughly at home, but be aware, when a cough lasts for 3 or more weeks, see your doctor for a diagnosis. Invite you to consult!

Method 1: Drink plenty of water

1. Keep the throat moist

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The cause of coughing attacks is usually caused by a discharge from the nose to the back of the throat, this discharge usually occurs when a cold or flu. Drinking plenty of water will help dilute the mucus caused by colds.

2. Gargle with warm salt water

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Salt water works to relieve pain and fight inflammation. Gargle with warm salt water before going to bed or whenever you feel uncomfortable in your throat.

3. Drink plenty of warm water

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Although hot water is the best solution for the throat, warm water is better able to rehydrate the tissues. Hot water can irritate swollen areas, while warm tea is the best way to warm and soothe the throat.

  1. Anise seed tea is known for its soothing effects on the throat and cutting coughs. You can add cinnamon in to double the calming effect of tea.
  2. Make ginger tea. Add some pepper and some basil leaves to reduce congestion. The combination of these two herbs creates an anesthetic effect and soothes the throat, helping the throat tissue to " rest " after intense coughing attacks.

4. Drink honey and hot cinnamon milk before going to bed

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When combined with honey and cinnamon, it will form an antimicrobial agent that can cause infection, reduce inflammation and provide antioxidants to cure sore throats.

  1. To prepare cinnamon milk, add canh tablespoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon sugar to a small saucepan. Then, add 1/8 tablespoon of salt and 240ml of milk and mix well. Only heat the mixture until it's about to boil. Cool, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir until honey dissolves and use when the mixture is warm.

5. Drink pineapple juice

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According to a study in 2010, pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup. Pineapple juice helps soothe the larynx but does not leave residue that irritates coughing. So, choose pineapple juice instead of orange and lemon juice.

  1. Grape juice is also a medicine to treat cough. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to a cup of grape juice. Grapes are used as an expectorant, accelerating the secretion of sputum in the respiratory tract, so your cough will calm down.

6. Use herbs to ease cough

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Boil a tablespoon of marjoram flour with a cup of boiling water. After boiling water, remove vegetable residue and enjoy marjoram tea. Removing the menstrual canal will be easier if you have a tea filter available.

Method 2: Use liquid food

1. Soothe the throat with honey

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Honey has the ability to soothe asbestos, thereby reducing throat irritation ( and coughing ). Good honey is as effective as cough medicine. Without honey, rose petals solution is also a great alternative. Rose water has a very good expectorant effect.

2. Use natural essential oils to ease cough

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Natural oils are often very powerful, is the home treatment of many diseases. There are many types of essential oils that are able to cut the cough for a long time.

  1. The most effective nasal oils are eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, mugwort, green tea, sandalwood, cedar, frankincense and incense. To treat nasal congestion, put 1-2 drops of essential oil on your hands, rub your hands together, put your hands up to your nose and inhale deeply 4-6 breaths. Or apply 2-4 drops of essential oil to a cotton ball, put the cotton in a zippered bag to carry around when moving.
  1. Throat oils: Melaleuca essential oils, wormwood essential oils, eucalyptus essential oils, peppermint essential oil, rosemary essential oil, lemon, garlic and ginger essential oils. In addition, you can treat a sore throat by dissolving 1-2 drops of oil into warm water to rinse your throat for a few minutes and then spit it out. Note not to swallow.

3. Make cough syrup at home

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Currently, there are many homemade cough syrups that even treat coughs more effectively than those bought outside.

  1. Preparing syrup from herbs. Dissolve 480ml of herbal mixture into 1 liter of water. Herbs have especially effective effects including dill, licorice, slippery, cinnamon, ginger root and orange peel. Simmer the herbs until the mixture has halved ( about half a liter ). Filter the pulp and add a cup of honey to the solution after boiling, stir until the honey dissolves.
  2. DIY syrup from purple onions. Purple onions have the ability to remove phlegm - the cause of coughing spells. Purple onion slices, squeeze water, add honey with a ratio of 1: 1 and let the mixture settle down for about 4 to 5 hours. When the mixture has thickened, it will produce cough syrup and you can use it twice a day.
  3. Prepare syrup from elderberry. The syrup from elderberry is an excellent medicine because it not only relieves cough but also soothes the stomach. If your stomach is sensitive, use this syrup will work immediately. Add 1 liter of elderberry juice with 2 cups of honey, 2 sticks of cinnamon to a pot. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes so that the three ingredients blend together to form syrup.
  4. Instructions for making elderberry juice for those who want to do: boil fresh elderberry or dry it with 1 liter of water for about 45 minutes, then filter the burnt scale and continue to follow the instructions in the above section.

4. Eat warm chicken soup

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The heat of chicken soup causes the respiratory membranes to expand and relieve the soreness in the throat, providing the energy to prevent it from becoming depleted because there is a lot of protein in chicken soup. Plus, what better way than having a bowl of warm soup?

5. Stop taking Lozenge

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Looking for a drug Lozenge contains menthol by menthol that causes anesthesia in the back of the throat, while relieving cough. Menthol is extracted in mint leaves, has the ability to numb and ease throat irritation. Lozenge is a great solution when you don't want your cough to disturb people around in public places like movie theaters or classrooms.

  1. If lozenge cannot be found, take a hard candy. This simple solution helps stimulate the secretion of saliva and soothe a dry cough. Or chewing gum also brings temporary effects. It is best to use peppermint candy as they can cause numbness like menthol.

Method 3: Moisture

1. Use a humidifier

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Dry air can interrupt the secretion of mucus in the nose, causing the nose to dry out, make the throat uncomfortable and cause coughs, humidifiers can solve this problem. However, caution should be exercised when using a humidifier, if the machine is not clean, spray fungi and moldy areas out of the air, making your cough not only less noticeable but worse.

2. Take a hot bath

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Close all bathroom windows and turn off the electric fan to create your own sauna. The heat will dilute the mucus that gets stuck in the nose, treating coughs caused by colds, allergies and asthma.

3. Steam

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Boil a kettle of water, lift the kettle off the stove and place it on a safe surface. Then, bow your head over the kettle and breathe in the hot water from the kettle ( especially careful not to burn ).

Method 4: Take medicine

1. Use decongestants

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If your runny nose is the cause of a cough, consider using decongestants . Decongestants make the nasal tissue swell and shrink, reducing mucus secretion. Decongestants are given into the nose in the form of sprays, drops and tablets. It is best not to use nasal spray for more than three days because they can be counterproductive. Decongestant sprays may contain Oxymetazoline, a nasal decongestant that will cause respiratory damage if interacted with the nose for more than three days.

2. Try using allergy medications

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Hypoallergenic drugs that limit the release of histamine create mucus in the nose and throat - the cause of coughing spells. Anti-allergy medications are also especially effective when allergy season comes and in case of allergic reactions by the body, such as dandruff and fungi in pet hair, will cause your cough.

3. Learn about cough suppressants

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Cough suppressants contain active ingredients such as camphor, dextromethorphan, eucalyptus oil and menthol, which will cut your cough for a short time but cannot cure the cough. If it's hard to sleep because of so many coughs or coughs that you feel pain in your chest and muscles, you'll need to use cough suppressants at night. Note, inhibitors do not have a thorough treatment effect.

Method 5: Handle potential symptoms

1. Go to the doctor to be diagnosed if you have an infection

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If attacked by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for you. However, antibiotics do not work with viruses because they do not respond to this drug.

2. Find out the cause of the irritation

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If you recently changed your perfume or bath, you may have irritated your sinuses, leading to coughing spells. Cigarette smoke is also a serious cause of coughing. If smoking is the cause of a cough, refer to the treatment for people who smoke and stop smoking.

3. Avoid stomach irritation

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If you have esophageal reflux or regularly burp, you need to limit stomach irritants. Do not lie before 3 hours after eating, avoid eating spicy foods and foods that are likely to irritate the stomach.

4. Take medicine

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Drugs such as angiotensin metabolite inhibitors will make your cough worse. If the medication you are taking has the same side effects, talk to your doctor about replacing it with another medication.

5. Avoid contact with dust and allergens

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If cleaning your air cannot remove dust and allergens from the environment, anti-allergy medications can help you eliminate serious coughs caused by allergies.

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