4 simple steps to clean the shower

Only with white vinegar, any stains on the shower will be quickly cleaned within 30 minutes.

The shower is where the water comes out. Therefore, this is often the place where all kinds of bacteria, mold and "gathering" of bacteria are produced. However, many households when cleaning the bathroom often overlooked not cleaning this device, making the shower become more and more sticky.

In this article, TipsMake.com will help you learn how to clean the shower with only white vinegar. After reading it, try applying it right away to keep the hose longer for use without getting stuck or broken soon.


4 simple steps to clean the shower Picture 14 simple steps to clean the shower Picture 1

  1. 1 ½ spoon of distilled white vinegar.
  2. Elastic straps or hair bands.
  3. Plastic bag.
  4. Brushes (such as toothbrushes) are no longer used.


Step 1: Put white vinegar distilled into the bag. Depending on the size of the shower you should choose a bag of the right size.

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Step 2: Use a rubber band / hair band to fasten the medium bag to the vinegar (see picture). Then leave it for 30 minutes. If too many stains, you can soak longer.

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Step 3: Use a toothbrush to scrub the stains on the shower.

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Step 4: Use a soft cloth and water to clean the faucet. Then, open the hose so that the water pressure pushes all the dirt out.

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Note : You can remove the shower and soak it into the pot filled with white vinegar so that the treatment of the stain is more thorough.

Good luck!

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