The laptop market this year will have a gradual increase in prices.
Last year, the Taiwanese company produced 48 million laptops and supplies it to major companies like Acer, Dell and HP. The company said it would gradually increase the price of its components, printed circuit boards, and computer parts in 2011.
According to Compal, the company's move also reflects the surge in Taiwan oil and currency prices since the end of 2010. This will force three major laptop makers to approve. However, Acer, Dell and HP have not shown any signs of increasing laptop prices.
Compal said the company is trying to improve its profitability but cannot predict whether its customers will push prices up. Compal is one of many Taiwanese companies built according to the original design for the world famous laptop and computer vendors. Apple also ordered Compal to assemble the new iPad tablet line.
Not only Compal but other Taiwanese computer makers are also prepared to raise prices. Another reason for this price increase is that the minimum wage in China is adjusted to increase. The minimum wage in China's coastal areas increased from 25-30% in the third quarter of 2010. Therefore, analysts predict that computer prices this year will increase by 10-15%.