What is Satoshi? 1 Satoshi is how many Bitcoin?
What is Satoshi?
Satoshi is the smallest currency of Bitcoin recorded on the blockchain. Satoshi 1 equals 1 part 100 million of Bitcoin, ie 1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC. This unit is named after Bitcoin's father, Satoshi Nakamoto.
All amounts on the blockchain are named satoshi before switching to display. Source code also uses satoshi when determining a bit of Bitcoin. When displaying a very small part of Bitcoin, such as when charging on every byte or faucet, the amount is displayed in satoshi for easy reading.
Although satoshi is the smallest amount that can be recorded on the blockchain, but payment channels may need to be paid in great detail, sometimes people even calculate Bitcoin in millisatoshi, which is one-hundred-billionth of Bitcoin.
As of October 2017, 1 US cent is worth about 171 satoshi.
Satoshi's history
The value of a Bitcoin decided by Satoshi Nakamoto in November 2008 is 100 million satoshi.
On November 15, 2010, the first proposed rate is 1 satoshi = 0.01 BTC. 4 months later, he again suggested that 1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC. The satoshi name is then accepted and widely used.
Satoshi is often abbreviated as sat or s, and currently no satoshi currency symbol is widely accepted.
1 Satoshi is how many Bitcoin?
As mentioned above 1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC. Below is a table of satoshi conversion to Bitcoin:
If you're digging Bitcoin or learning about this digital currency, you'll be interested in Bitcoin prices today, as well as its smaller currencies.
Hope this article can help you.
See also: 6 best Bitcoin digging software for Windows, Mac, Linux
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