Watch live billionaire Jack Ma talking at the National Convention Center right now

Billionaire Jack Ma is presenting at the National Convention Center and will have a talk with Vietnamese students. Please watch the live video here.

Billionaire Jack Ma is presenting at the National Convention Center and will have a talk with Vietnamese students. Please watch the live video here.

Jack Ma talked in English but it was easy to hear, he shared about how to start, how to set up a team, how to succeed and overcome initial obstacles on the way to success.

Jack Ma's classic sayings will change your life

Combining the most impressive words of Jack Ma yesterday: Jack Ma's impressive sentences with Vietnamese students

Translation (according to VnExpress):

I look forward to having this opportunity to interact with young entrepreneurs, students and share my personal thoughts.

Last night when I strolled in Hanoi, I saw many young people walking on the street, smiles always on their lips and playing folk games. I wonder why they are so happy. I think first because they are young and expect the fresh future of the country.

Today I came here to share my thoughts and ideas about business. I was born into a poor family, I did not have a wealthy father, no powerful uncle, but those were the best things for me.

Now Alibaba is very big, but we have encountered numerous mistakes. We still believe there are many stumbling blocks, mistakes, failures, I don't worry because life is full of failures and mistakes.

I have no one to help. When no one helps you, it is normal, no one has a reason to help you.

If you want to open a good business, you need to choose the right time. We are in the era of the 4.0 revolution, every technological revolution lasts the first 20-30 years. The new net is only 20 years old and 30 years from now, those who take advantage of inter net in their business will be successful. In the next 30 years, artificial intelligence, many things change. Business activities in the past are B2C. This century will be data technology. In the last century, globalization, only helped 20% of people grow, 20% of businesses were bigger. This century business will have to be 80% and must rely on young people. Countries that trust in young people will have great hope.

I always talk to the government when coming to any country. The next 30 years will be an important 30 years for humanity. I think that if there are many young people who believe in young people, they will have a bright future. The government should pay attention to the next 30 anmw, but young people under 30 years old, those with less than 30 employees. Because in the previous century to this century, they succeeded. And in the next century they will succeed.

You don't need to find the best people, but you have to find the right people to develop and nurture them. To do business, the most important thing is not money, but people who share that idea with you. No one can succeed, no one can walk far away and go alone.

We believe that internet and e-commerce will be the future of business. You need to choose the right person, the right time and be ready for the next 10 years, believe in the future. There is no business today but tomorrow or next year will succeed. I will succeed after 10 years and today I will start with everyone doing that. You also need to remember something like Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs . they all have good qualities that never complain. If you complain, there will never be a chance. When other people complain, that's your chance.

Successful people really never complain

Where's the 'opportunity'? Opportunities exist only in areas where problems need to be addressed. Please solve the problem you will have a chance.

We can only learn from failures. To succeed, you must know why others fail. Years ago, I and my colleagues tried to learn from the failures of others. This is what I want to share. If you want to do something, you have to have ideas and dreams. That's what you can do better than others. You need to be different. If you, like others, don't have a better chance.

If you learn from mistakes, you will become stronger. Other things I want to share are: If you want to succeed, you must learn to work with others.

I don't think I'm smarter than you guys. I missed 3 times for the university exam. But I didn't give up, failed, I did it again. Alibaba has been created for 18 years. It was a short time with others but long for us.

Think about the future. Currently 54% of the population uses mobile phones, but many people mainly play games. Try to use your cell phone to trade and communicate with people online. In the future, it may be made in the Internet. You can buy this country, assemble the other country, cross the border, everything is over the Internet.

The things I don't like are online payments, because I see you use a lot of cash. Let's pay with mobile. I believe only with a phone, we can buy, sell, pay, travel globally. Don't worry about artificial intelligence that will rob people of their careers, because people are smarter than machines.

95 million people in this country, but only 4 million people shop online, maybe the market doesn't have much, but that is your chance to do so.

Jack Ma answered the students' questions

Student Ngo Khanh Linh (22 years old, a third-year student at the Diplomatic Academy) : I have seen many of his interviews on the Internet. I know that he has a great spirit to think and dare to do so, which has a great influence on the young people and is willing to share with Vietnamese students.

I know his time is very precious, so I ask the question: What moment in life has formed the person and philosophy of Jack Ma like today - who is running the digital economy on a scale Hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of millions of users?

Jack Ma: If we succeed, 80% of Chinese young people will have the opportunity. We are not rich, there are not many opportunities. To this day, we have failed many times: from calling capital to working. Young people of course will make mistakes, don't be sad when you fail. These are challenges for you in life. I have failed in many projects. And those moments of failure created me today.

Student of the Academy of Finance: I know he has a funny babbler inherited from the family tradition, I watched a lot of his clips on Youtube. Right here, can you make us laugh?

Jack Ma: Your question is very interesting. Let me tell you a story. Every day I have a lot of problems, if crying can help me relieve myself, I will cry all day. So what do I do to cheer myself up, I rub my hand warm up. I do not believe in superheroes, I believe in super fighting spirit.

I am not a person who can make people laugh, but can make myself laugh.

Mr. Truong Gia Binh : Recently he mentioned the digital economy (virtual economy) and the global e-commerce platform (eWTP - Electronic World Trade Platform). So can you tell what Alibaba can do to boost the digital economy and eWTP?

  1. Jack Ma : 30-40 years ago, globalization has made the world good. Unfortunately, globalization has only 60,000 large companies benefiting, and 99% of small businesses do not benefit. I think I have to build a platform to help young people buy - sell anywhere. I think that's what we should do. When building a commercial electronic platform, we want people to buy and sell, travel . and young people will benefit from it.

- Diplomatic Academy student : I know that success comes from the relationships that you build in your company. He said "Always let your employees come to work with a smile". Can you give us some advice to inspire employees to work every day and motivate them at work?

  1. Jack Ma : I do not want employees to come to the company with a smiling face, but leave with tears. I want customers, partners, and shareholders to come home with all smiles from Alibaba. You have to make sure all employees are working meaningful. With whatever we do, we ask ourselves whether this is good for everyone? Joining Alibaba is difficult, but leaving is easy. Other companies seem to be the opposite. Need to make your company a fun, creative place. Important money, if there is no money, no one is happy, but if you only have money, you will not really be happy from your heart.

- Student Pham Duc Vuong (Diplomatic Academy) : I know in 1999, he and 17 friends worked together and developed the Alibaba company and had great success. Can you share the advice on how to choose a co-founder to work so well?

- Jack Ma : My advice when looking for partners is to try not to invite friends to the company. Most people in the world tend to invite friends, but close friends are often not good partners. Find partners, we should find people with the same vision. We look for partners who are not hoping to earn a lot of money, but because of the effort to make things happen. They may not be the best, but someone who can support and understand you.

We used to argue a lot but never destroyed each other's vision. We always have a common destination. On the way to this destination, I invited many people to join my company, someone came and went but it's okay. When we go we are friends, when we are partners. Good partners are those who take time to understand. If failure will stand up, no one wants the other to fail. We should not be afraid to fail, we should enjoy failure and a sad moment to stand up from there.

- Ngo Linh student (Diplomatic Academy) : He himself stepped into the unfavorable life, passed the 3-time university entrance exam, 10 times to apply to Harvard to not receive any feedback, then When I graduated, I applied for dozens of places that did not win. I really want to know, what made you stand up and go on?

- Jack Ma : When rejected, I am very sad. Because parents will say: Everyone gets a job, why are you rejected? I think fate does not want me to go into those companies, but wants me to set up my own company.

That's why today, I spend a lot of time with students. I want to tell them how I have experienced many failures. I go home and sleep, try again tomorrow. 80% of people in this world have such experiences. If Jack Ma is not Alibaba President, no one will notice. However, I succeeded and people noticed me. I never give up. Because if we don't give up, we will have many opportunities.

- Student: Who do you ask when your business is in trouble?

- Jack Ma : When I started, I asked my colleagues. When the company is bigger, I still ask colleagues. And when I have Alibaba, I still get ideas from the same people. That is the spirit of teamwork. I don't hide my colleagues. We discussed with each other openly and frankly.

Of course now there are differences. Alibaba has a very large scale with high sales. No one is perfect, not you make your team successful that they create your success. In the past 18 years, there is no problem that is so great that I have to think about the worst scenario. There is always a solution, there is always a way for every problem. I recommend you find it with your colleagues.

- Second-year student of Foreign Trade University: What do you think about two options: Starting a business early when full of bold enthusiasm but lack of experience or starting a business late after accumulating a lot of experience but the enthusiasm has faded. , no more reckless. How to choose right?

Jack Ma : Life is an experience. If you are a student, the most important activity for you is to be a good student at university. Then, if you are 20-30 years old, you should work at a company with a good boss, not a good company. Learn from him. 30-40 years old, want to do something yourself. When 50 years old you have to do something that feels good about it. From 50-60 years old, you should give opportunities to young people, build and train them and spend time with grandchildren and grandchildren.

Time is always good to be an entrepreneur. I graduated from university, taught 6 years at school and started my business. When I was in college, I was president of the university's student council. I am also the president of the City Student Association. I spend a lot of time learning people, helping people.

We have IQ, EQ, I think we need LQ too (love index). EQ to learn, help work with people. IQ to learn better working knowledge. Many people who crave boredom, when it comes to opportunities are not easy, but lose the opportunity to become discouraged. We need LQ because many people make a lot of money but are not respected.

- Lan Phuong actor: My brother and I are both fans of him. We know he wants to promote electronic payments. I want to ask about Bitcoin's future payment because my brother works related to virtual currency.

- Jack Ma : You are a very beautiful actress. Those who are not as handsome as I did not expect to become actors. I try my best to become a singer, actor, and artist. I used to wish to do so to experience in my life. Recently, I also attended the Kungfu film and found that being an actor was difficult.

I'm not a Bitcoin fan, but I'm also interested in a cashless society. What I want to say and learn is its value. Behind that is very strong sales technology.

My job at Alibaba or Alipay is to try to ensure the non-cash world is an equal society. All a developed society embraces. Everyone benefits there. I hate corruption and non-cash payment methods contribute to limiting corruption.

I don't know much about Coin Bit, so I can't pretend to be an understanding to answer you. I think, doing business or a problem, if you don't know, nothing is embarrassing. But if you don't know, try to know, that's embarrassing.

See also: 15 Jack Ma's "expensive" sales principles for business people

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