'Terminator' Arnold Schwarzenegger isolating himself at home with his pet to avoid Covid-19, and also a video that teaches the 'boss' how to wash their hands properly

The videos on Arnold Schwarzenegger's Twitter, despite their very chill style, contain many nice messages in the context of the complicated Covid-19 translation that is happening today.

In the face of the complicated situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries around the world have closed a series of public entertainment venues, and advised people to limit the way to prevent the situation. spread SAR-CoV-2. California, US government even used a series of hotels and motels as temporary accommodation for 150,000 homeless people, avoiding them wandering the streets at a sensitive time like today.

And yet, the state of California also specifically focuses on the group of elderly people, who have weak health and immune systems, vulnerable to viruses. Accordingly, residents over the age of 65 are recommended to isolate themselves in private homes, while issuing a temporary ban on relatives visiting nursing homes or hospitals. Gavin Newsom said: ' We need to act decisively in the current context. It is important to safeguard the most vulnerable populations. '

However, with the 'Terminator' Arnold Schwarzenegger, this ban does not seem to be excessive. On the contrary, the 72-year-old actor even considered it a relaxing time with his family, and also called for everyone to be conscious of protecting themselves until the epidemic became less stressful.

On Sunday evening (February 15), Arnold posted on Twitter a personal video of him gathering around his 'two children' - Whiskey and Lulu. While feeding them carrots, he shared the importance of home isolation, limiting direct contact to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

"Destroyer" Arnold Schwarzenegger has just fed the pet, while sharing with fans about the importance of home isolation, limited to public places at the present time.

In the video, Arnold said: ' The most important thing now is that we need to stay indoors, because the government has also issued' curfew hours' already. Our people, especially those over 65 like me, are not allowed to roam the streets of California anymore, so be conscious at home . '

Just sharing for a while, he fed his two pets and talked to them naturally: ' Whiskey and Lulu love to eat carrots, and I have just finished a vegetarian dinner. We can no longer drag shops. But never mind, the dinner with Whiskey and Lulu is also great. People should not eat at restaurants in the present time, and do not gather in public. Take a little hard work, stay at home to be safe . '

The serious but chill-style video of 'The Terminator' has quickly attracted the attention of many netizens, now has reached nearly 12 million views and 347,000 likes. This is not the first time this veteran actor has expressed concerns regarding Covid-19. But the way he urges people to raise their awareness of protecting themselves is very different, very simple, pleasant, and especially always has the presence of pets.

"Terminator" teaches the dog how to wash his hands the cleanest, full of movements as experts recommend.

Last weekend, Arnold also uploaded a video on how to wash his hands for Cherry - his dog boss. However, he also emphasized that viewers do not just treat this as a mere entertainment video, but pay attention to be able to clean personal hygiene and properly. In addition, he said: ' Wash your hands often, listen to ideas and comments from experts, doctors and scientists, not imagine yourself. If we work together, we can protect each other and repel this pandemic . '

According to Mashable

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