Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game

With the guide to playing Plague Inc Evolved in this article, you will know how to create a disease and increase your level of infection in Plague Inc Evolved.

Corona disease is currently the focus of the world attention when it spreads quickly and has dangerous symptoms that can be fatal for people suffering from the disease.

The Corona virus, also known as nCoV, originates in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, China, and is causing the city to freeze. Causes the lives of people here to be turned upside down.

And referring to plagues like this, many people associate sci-fi movies with the theme of disease. In addition, games like the simulation of plague Inc: Evolved are also mentioned.

With Plague Inc Evolved, you can simulate a plague in a variety of ways with the goal of destroying humanity. You can use viruses, bacteria, parasites, ways of spreading through different factors . to create a global pandemic. It sounds easy but you need to have a clear strategy to win.

If you want to try, take a look at how to play Plague Inc Evolved below to know how the disease can destroy all humanity.

Detailed instructions Plague Inc: Evolved, the game simulating the pneumonia Wuhan

Step 1: Due to the lack of localization of Plague Inc Evolved, gamers still participate in operating their epidemics in English. First enter the game you choose the basic setup steps, to select the type of disease you will have the following spreads:

  1. Bacteria: A widespread type of disease with infinite potential.
  2. Virus: A pathogen that changes rapidly and is difficult to control.
  3. Fungus (Mushroom): It is difficult to fly far if nothing special.
  4. Parasite (Parasite): Parasites prevent DNA from changing in daily transmission.
  5. Prion: The pathogen is slow, gentle but very complex lurking in the brain.
  6. Nano Virus: A microcomputer out of control has a self-destruct switch.
  7. Bio - Weapon: A dangerous disease that destroys anything it touches.

Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 1Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 1

Next select an easy to difficult level from Casual> Normal> Brutal.

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Name your plague, then you'll go to Change genetic codes . This section will help you increase your chances of spreading the disease through a variety of factors, but it costs you to unlock it. Then click Start to start the game.

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Step 2: Once in the world map, you will have the following:

  1. Number 1: Number of people infected with the disease.
  2. Number 2: Number of deaths from disease.
  3. Number 3: Time, can adjust quickly or normally.
  4. Number 4: Options for the disease
  5. Number 5: Population info, disease news .

In addition, the settings section is a cog icon in the upper left corner and in the middle is a bar displaying news about your disease.

Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 4Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 4

Step 3: Click on any country you want to start your disease outbreak. When the Play icon appears as below, click on it, there will be the first patient. Here I choose the Chinese country.

Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 5Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 5

Notice the disease started to spread in China, there was 1 person infected.

Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 6Plague Inc Evolved: How to play the Corona disease simulation game Picture 6

During the day of infection, you will see the DNA icon appear, click on it to gain DNA points. The DNA score will appear above the Disease section.

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In the Disease section, you will get information about the first day the disease began, the number of people infected / day, the number of deaths / day, the degree of infection (infectivity), the severity ( Severity), the level of lethality (lethality).

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The Transmission part will cover ways of transmission through birds, mosquitoes, mice, cattle, animals, air, water, etc. and upgrade them, the faster the level of transmission will be.

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The symptoms are symptoms, just like the infectious part, you will have symptoms like nausea, insomnia, cough . The more symptoms you buy and the higher the symptom level increases, the more likely your disease will be. become more and more dangerous.

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Finally, there is the Abilities section, the ability here is not the ability to resist human disease but the ability of the pathogen. You can choose to resist cold climate, hot climate, drug resistance, especially some pathogens that can change humans, just like Zombie.

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When the disease is over, now go out and go to number 5 (The World) to see what we have.

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The first is the World section, selling will see the current world population (over 7 billion people) and the number of infected people you have right below, below that is the number of players.

On the right is whether your illness has been noticed or not, how long it will take to cure the disease.

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The Cure section will display whether or not there is a cure for your disease. Here my illness is not serious enough, so there is no specific medicine.

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Finally, Data shows information about the infectious overview, the world map of diseases, treatment charts, and epidemics.

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That, the goal for you to win simply is to make your plague destroy all humanity. A small note is that you must let your disease spread quickly in the world but do not let death occur.

If an early death occurs, your epidemic will get noticed and special medicines will be born soon to help control your disease. And then your disease will be in control of the world. Currently, in addition to the iOS and Android versions, you can download and play Plague Inc PC using Steam or with Android emulators.

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