Pagefileconfig command in Windows

(Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2).

(Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2).

The pagefileconfig command will not be accepted and is not guaranteed to be supported in future releases of Windows.This tool is used in Windows Server 2003 as follows:

Pagefileconfig command in Windows

  1. Pagefileconfig.vbs
    1. pagefileconfig change
    2. pagefileconfig create
    3. pagefileconfig delete
    4. pagefileconfig query


Allows administrators to display and configure virtual memory settingsof the system.

For command syntax, this command includes:

pagefileconfig change

Change the existing installation page of the virtual memory system.

The pagefileconfig change command syntax

pagefileconfig [ .vbs ] / change [ / s Computer [ / u Domain ** User [ / p ** Password ]]] {[ / I InitialPageFileSize ] | [ / m MaximumPageFileSize ]} / vo { VolumeLetter | * } [ / vo { VolumeLetter2 | * } [.]]

The pagefileconfig change command parameter



/ sComputer

Specify the name or IP address of the remote computer (do not use a backslash). The default will be the local computer.

/ uDomain User

Run the script with the user account privileges specified by User ( User) or Domain Name ( Domain ) **** User . The default is the currently logged-in user rights on the computer that is issuing the command.

/ pPassword

Specify the password of the user account specified in the parameter / u.

/ iInitialPageFileSize

Specify a new initial size (in MB) to use for the specified paging file.

/ vo {VolumeLetter|*}

Specify the size or sizes of the generated paging file settings. This size is indicated by a letter following the colon (eg "C:").


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For example the pagefileconfig change command

The following examples show how you can use the pagefileconfig / change command :

pagefileconfig.vbs / change / m 400 / vo c:

pagefileconfig.vbs / change / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / m 400 / vo c:

pagefileconfig.vbs / change / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / i 20 / vo *

** pagefileconfig.vbs / change / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / pp @ ssW23 / i 200 / m 500 / vo c: / vo d: **

pagefileconfig create

Create or add additional paging file to the system.

Syntax command pagefileconfig create

pagefileconfig.vbs / create [ / s Computer [ / u Domain ** User [ / p ** Password ]]] / I InitialPageFileSize / m MaximumPageFileSize / vo { VolumeLetter | * } [ / vo { VolumeLetter2 | * } [.]]

Command parameter pagefileconfig create



/ sComputer

Specify the name or IP address of the remote computer (do not use a backslash).The default will be the local computer.

/ uDomain User

Run the script with the user account privileges specified by User (User) or Domain Name ( Domain ) **** User.The default is the currently logged-in user rights on the computer that is issuing the command.

/ pPassword

Specify the password of the user account specified in the parameter / u.

/ iInitialPageFileSize

Specify a new initial size (in MB) to use for the specified paging file.

/ mMaximumPageFileSize

Specify the new maximum size (in MB) to use for the specified paging file.

/ vo {VolumeLetter|*}

Specify the size or dimensions of the generated paging file settings.This size is indicated by a letter following the colon (for example, "C:").


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Command example pagefileconfig create

The following examples show how you can use the pagefileconfig / create command :

pagefileconfig.vbs / create / i 140 / m 300 / vo d:

pagefileconfig.vbs / create / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / i 150 / m 300 / vo d:

pagefileconfig.vbs / create / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / i 50 / m 200 / vo *

** pagefileconfig.vbs / create / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / pp @ ssW23 / i 100 / m 600 / vo d: / vo e: / vo f: **

pagefileconfig delete

Remove the paging file from the system.

Syntax command pagefileconfig delete

pagefileconfig.vbs / delete [ / s Computer [ / u Domain ** User [ / p ** Password ]]] / vo { VolumeLetter | * } [ / vo { VolumeLetter2 | * } [.]]

Parameter command pagefileconfig delete



/ sComputer

Specify the name or IP address of the remote computer (do not use a backslash). The default is the local computer.

/ uDomain User

Run the script with the user account privileges specified by User ( User) or Domain Name ( Domain ) **** User . The default is the currently logged-in user rights on the computer that is issuing the command.

/ pPassword

Specify the password of the user account specified in the parameter / u.

/ vo {VolumeLetter|*}

Specifies the size or sizes of the paging file settings to be deleted. This size is indicated by a letter following the colon (eg "C:").


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For example

The following examples show how you can use the pagefileconfig / delete command:

pagefileconfig.vbs / delete / vo d:

pagefileconfig.vbs / delete / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / vo d:

** pagefileconfig.vbs / delete / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / pp @ ssW23 / d: / vo e: / vo f: **

pagefileconfig query

Query and display the paging file of the system of virtual memory settings.

Syntax command pagefileconfig query

pagefileconfig.vbs / query [ / s Computer [ / u Domain ** User [ / p ** Password ]]] [ / fo { TABLE | LIST | CSV }]

The pagefileconfig query command parameter



/ sComputer

Specify the name or IP address of the remote computer (do not use a backslash). The default is the local computer.

/ uDomain User

Run the script with the user account privileges specified by User ( User) or Domain Name ( Domain ) **** User . The default is the currently logged-in user rights on the computer that is issuing the command.

/ pPassword

Specify the password of the user account specified in the parameter / u.


Specify the format to use for the query output. Valid values ​​are TABLE, LIST and CSV. The default value is LIST.


Show help at the command prompt.

The pagefileconfig query command example

The following examples show how you can use the pagefileconfig / query command :

pagefileconfig.vbs / query

pagefileconfig.vbs / query / fo table

pagefileconfig.vbs / query / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln

** pagefileconfig.vbs / query / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / pp @ ssW23 / fo list **

The pagefileconfig query statement

  1. The maximum paging file size is limited to available disk space except for settings that recover crashdump for booting the drive.

Annotation format




Information that users will have to provide


The elements that the user must enter are exactly as shown.

Ellipsis (.)

Parameters can be repeated many times in a command line.

In brackets ([])

Optional elements.

In the sign ({}) and separated by a straight slash (|).For example: {even | odd}

Set of options in which the user is only selected one.

Courier font

Code or output results.

see more

  1. Nbtstat command in Windows
  2. Bitsadmin create command in Windows
  3. Bcdboot command in Windows
  4. The bcdedit command in Windows
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