Invite to see the beautiful Concept that comes with many unique features of iOS 12

A iOS 12 concept video with a beautiful design along with many new unique features has been uploaded to iMangoss technology site, making iFan and technology lovers excited.

A iOS 12 concept video with a beautiful design along with many new unique features has been uploaded to iMangoss technology site, making iFan and technology lovers excited. The iOS 12 channel concept YouTube iUpdateos concept is based on personal ideas.

In this short video, we can see most of the new enhancements, unique features that Apple will add in the upcoming major update on iOS operating system from user interface design. eyes, highly compatible with models that use screen proportions, new panels to Darkmode mode, new transition effects, new animated backgrounds, Always on Screen, modified screen lock, notification group . .

See more:

  1. These are new features on iOS 12, do you know?
  2. iOS 11.3 disables iPhone touch screen being replaced by 3rd party
  3. Apple locked iOS 11.2.6 sign, users will not be able to downgrade if upgraded to iOS 11.3
  4. iPhone using non-genuine battery will not be able to check battery status on iOS 11.3
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